SPS Governance Proposal - Adjust Brawl Rewards

Community Proposal #8

The purpose of this proposal is to adjust Brawl rewards to promote advancement to higher tiers and prevent stagnation by guilds that find it more beneficial to dominate lower tier Brawls for higher rewards payouts. This proposal aims to accomplish this goal by making the following changes:

First, remove the Reward Reduction for Brawl tiers with less than 10 guilds participating. This should make advancing to tier 5 Brawls much more viable for top guilds that are currently disincentivized from doing so as they get higher rewards by dominating tier 4 Brawls.

Secondly the top 3 bonus rewards boost for Crowns and Merits will be removed. The top 3 bonus for SPS rewards will remain.

If this proposal passes then the suggested changes should be made to the Brawl rewards structure with a high sense of urgency as this is currently creating a compounding problem with preventing guild advancement at all levels.

This proposal is based on a draft submitted by @schachoberhessen and reviewed by the SPS DAO community in the Discord forums. Post rewards are set to payout to @schachoberhessen.


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