Becoming profit oriented


You may have seen people who will talk so much about their business idea, and how amazing it has been, but when you ask them how much profits they've made since they started, their tongues start freezing. They start to give you several excuses why they haven't been making profits.

Let me point it out clearly - business is primary built to make profits. Some businesses cannot grow because they neither lose nor win. That is, they don't make profits or losses - they just manage to get back the money they invested. This will also in the long term, lead to many problems.

Running expenses will always be there, hence if a business isn't making profits to pay workers and take care of running costs of the business - there's a big issue. As a business person, it's not about you being busy all day, it's about how much profits you've generated within a period of time.

At all times, you need to keep your eyes, mind and all your other senses focused on the single most important thing in business - profit making. No matter how fantastic your business idea is, without you being profit oriented, you may just beat around the bush, whereas you should be making profits.

With this in mind, you always need to juxtapose everything you do with it's tendency of generating profits. It's not about having 100 workers and yet making little money. It may be a business of just yourself, or you and 2 other persons, and yet, your profits may surpass that of seemingly bigger businesses.

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