My world of fantasy

Sometimes, we strive so hard to achieve the one thing that's placed at the top of our scale of preference, although most times, our efforts seem not to yield positive results.


It's almost as though it's the law of nature, I mean, we literally spend the whole of our lives struggling to make ends meet, but from my fleeting existence in life, i've found out that the efforts most people put in —or should I say- the efforts I put in, to make life a better place for myself and the people around me isn't equal to the rewards we get.

Well, when life doesn't give you what you want, when there's so much impediment to our destination point, what more can we do than dream! This is something I've done, I'm doing and I'll keep doing.

When I get back from the day's work, I'm usually exhausted; sometimes depressed... well, I guess that's what you expect from one who's efforts to survive has been for naught. To make things work and escape from my dark moments, I usually head out to the front-yard, glaring at the wonders of nature under the chirping sounds of birds and whooshing feel of the wind while envisaging all that I've hoped to achieve in this ephemeral life.

Sometimes I see myself adorned in a glimmering black suit seated in an expensive restaurant, talking with important dignitaries and medical personnels. Sometimes I even envisage myself dancing on the world's largest stage amidst the thundering screams of women, men and children — I've always loved dancing though, so it shouldn't be a surprise.

If life seems so tough and unyielding to my dreams, I'll create a world of fantasy where I can merry and have the beautiful things I've always desired in life... An imaginary world where I can distract myself from my the reality of existence.

Sometimes creating a world of fantasy can ease our minds off our failures and serve as a constant reminder that there's still hope for the living.

There's nothing as paramount as our "personal space" a space where our thoughts are brought to life. Just yesterday, I sat in the confines of my room in our medical hostel. The air was gorged with the melodious rhythm of music, a song I so much valued, a song that sinks into the deepest chambers of my mind — It was none other than "lovely" by Billie ellish.

The song triggered my thought process. I quietly laid on my bed staring at the ceiling while envisaging about the man I hope to be in few years: a man of riches, a man of relevance, a man of greatness, a man who'll look back at the boy he once was and smile at the man he's grown to become.

The inevitability of life's challenges will never cease to exist, and life hardly ever gives us that which our hearts eagerly yearns for — this is a reality that might seem to shake us off our feets when encountered. so I'll rather create an abstract world where I can find peace, satisfaction, and solitude... away from the storms of life.

This is an entry to the daily inleo prompt. You can check it out here using this link

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