My hobby: Seeking solace in what I do best

Living through my daily struggles isn't easy at all. Every day comes with it's own peculiar and new challenges. Well, I guess it's the reality of life and nothing else.

Today, I got back from the hospital where we, medical students, usually train in preparation to become future Doctors. I don't know how to describe the feeling but I just lost 'vibes,' vibes to do anything, vibes to read, to write, to talk or even watch dance videos as I would normally do.

But guess what?

I heard a sound. It was the sound of a tennis ball thudding on the board. I peeped through my hostel room window to see what was going on... To my amazement, people were surrounded, playing table tennis. I was quite excited because normally, everyone in the college hostel acts as though they have no idea on how table tennis works. I mean, you would literally think no one else could hold a bat, except me of course.

The excitement I felt was out of this Earth. Table tennis is my go-to when I feel somewhat strange within, and there was no greater Joy I derived than seeing my colleagues coming together to play a game I hadn't see anyone do in a long while. The tennis table even seemed worn-out to some extent. But well, we did a little touches and managed it like that.

I was surprised to see the people I saw: Gratitude, vital, Steve, and a whole lot others; people I thought couldn't hold a ball were playing like professionals. I hurriedly wore my clothes, rushed downstairs to join them in one of my most favourite hobbies — tennis. I was so excited I missed a step and almost tripped.

"Hey!! Take it easy" Vivian, a friend of mine, who witnessed my little ordeal, said.

"Thank you" I hurriedly replied while continuing my strides down the stairs, ignoring the fact that I nearly broke my ankle joint.

I got to play with my classmates. We played and made fun of ourselves. I bragged about being the best around there, yeah! You heard me right. Well, it's prolly because I felt I've been playing table tennis for a long while. But little did I know that a lot of people had practiced more than I did and even taken it upon themselves to improve. And there I was still playing on the same level, feeling like a mini god.


How wonderful it is that doing what you love is enough to dispel sadness and birth happiness. One minute I felt like I was underneath the Earth, the next minute I felt this inexplicable feel of life.

I actually won most of them except about 2 people: "Vital" and someone, Ebube, who we nicknamed "BB"

Most of the times we would both play deuce, this is to show how tough our games were.

There were some spectators around. You would usually hear different slangs echoed uniformly while we vigorously hit the ball against the table with our bats. Words like "Damn!" "Woahh" and a popular Nigerian slang "Omo!" Which literally translates to "Damn" in English.

This was the first time I ever got to play table tennis with my college mates and well, I can say that it came just at the right time. Our institution is located on the outskirts of town so finding a suitable place to play is almost impossible but thank the heavens for Mobile games.

A good hobby of your's is enough to make your day and put a smile on your face. Let's live each passing day doing the things we love for life is too fleeting.


Note: every image is mine.

This is an inleo entry for the monthly April prompts (day 19 ) check out the link here

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