President For A Day | Week 1 Edition 03


Everyone longs for the feeling of welding so much power. The ability to do something without being questioned by anyone or anything,the ability to be able to change situations and people's lives with just one action, it really is an amazing feeling. That's why it really got me thinking when I saw the topic for Edition 03, If you were president for one day, what three things would you do for your country. Thank you @hive-learners and @newbies-hive for this great opportunity.

It all felt like a dream when I was voted to be president for a day. I could see the look on Jane's eyes, it had a look of "I told you so" plastered all over it and it danced with happiness. To think she'd been my driving force and had been the only one who felt it was ever going to be possible.

This kind of thing had been unheard-of in my country or in any country in the world. It had smelled of impossibility at first but then nothing is really ever impossible. I never thought I'll be making and changing history in my little life. I stood up to the podium to say my vows but i was surprised by the mighty roar of the crowd. I could hear loud cheers and happy dancing, these were the people who made it possible.

I looked at their faces and saw their suffering camouflaged underneath their smiles and cheers. This ones longed for salvation, they longed for change, they needed to be free, free from the shackles that held them bound. At that moment, I knew I had to help them in any way possible, even if it took just a day

After taking the vows and addressing the people, I felt a heavy burden rest on my shoulders. I hadn't even been president for a whole day but the weight had started to weigh me down. I thought of my mother and everything she went through to ensure we had a fairly good life.

I remember how she sold the only wrapper she had so she'll be able to have some money to feed our hungry mouth. There was no way anyone had ever envisioned the son of such a poor woman ever being president. It would be foolish to not make her enjoy the fruits of her labour, and live the last days of her life in peace.

At that moment, a tap on my shoulder interrupted my thinking and I looked up to see the beautiful jane smiling up at me. I wondered why it had taken me so many years to realize how special she was.
"Okay, Mr President, now that you have the power, what are you going to do for your country?"

I smiled, I didn't expect such a question but then everything had led me up to this moment, the moment of change and power. I looked at her again and said, "Now that I am president, I will......

Lift the ban on Cryptocurrency and Ensure that it is added to the educational curriculum

Our government have been blinded by their greed and thirst for power that they refuse to give the citizens a chance to live a better life. Cryptocurrency is the future, the future to financial stability and a better life. It has been phenomenal in changing the lives so many youths in this country, people that never in their lives thought that they'll hold millions are now having assets worth millions.

I remember when there was a spike in the price of Hive, a lot of young Nigerians account were worth millions, can you even imagine that. Now imagine a life where young children are taught about everything that has to do with the world of cryptocurrency, at very young ages, they're self independent, being able to afford that dream they so desire.

It'll be a beautiful feeling, if young ones are not held down by adult sentiment, afterall they're the leaders of tomorrow. They're fully aware about Web 3.0 technology, how to fully function in the metaverse, how to be part of the NFT craze. Ómo!, I want this for this country and now that I have the power I'll make it possible.

Stop the exploitation of oil and develop other sectors

I know a lot of people would think I'm crazy, but then I was caught between declaring a death penalty for corrupt politicians and actually making a change, so I chose the latter. But then how would stopping the exploitation of oil be a good thing?

It isn't really a good thing but it is a necessity. I must say that most of the problems of this country Nigeria started with the discovery of oil. Since it's discovery, greed has eaten us up and we've neglected other amazing fields of generating revenue. Nigeria is a truely blessed nation and we have been blessed with a lot of natural resources.

But all this years we've been busy fighting for the returns that oil brings. It all has to end, and I'm going to put an end to it, the damage has been too critical, a lot of people and wildlife have died from the effects of oil spillage. It's now time for us to work on our agricultural sector, provide farmers with the right set of machines and implements and also provide works for the citizens.

They're a lot of other sectors to develop, like the mining sectors and other industrial sectors. This country needs to utilize rightly the resources we've been endowed with and I think I can set that pace rolling in one day!

Make myself President 😁

I'm sure @mineopoly would agree with me that we humans are all characterized by greed. Whether we like it or not, we always find ourselves wanting more than we have. I believe it is normal human nature until it becomes really extreme.

I believe that making myself President for more than one day is exactly what this country needs. No matter how we look at it, one day can never be enough to implement the change. So now that I have the power, I'll make myself President for more days, wouldn't that be a great idea Jane?

She looked me in the eyes and I could see the glitter of agreement in her eyes, then I took out my hand and held her hand, I could see her face flutter and a beautiful smile curled up on her lips. > C'mon I mean Mr President. .You know you shouldn't be doing this....

We both tore into laughter......

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