Ideas to promote hive? Indian United weekly contest #22

Promotion is part of our daily lives whether we are making profit from it or not. For instant, we do promote a saloon shop or a boutique, supermarket without them paying us. When someone asks us where we make our beautiful hairs, bought a nice clothes or quality toiletries, we immediately direct them to where we gat those things without knowing we are promoting someone's business. That's promoting or advertising someone's business without earning anything from them. They might not even know that we are promoting their business for them. When it comes for Hive block chain, many needs to know about it because, it full with knowledge and it puts smile on people's faces. To promote hive, i have ideas which i want share with you believing it will go a long way to make Hive known to many people.

Printing of hive materials.

My first suggestion is to have a hive printed materials like flyers, T-shirts and face cap. Wearing of Hive clothes a lone promotes Hive. Because one might want to know what hive is all about seeing us with the T-shirt and cap ๐Ÿงข. With this materials, we can organize a roadshow campaign. In this road show, a group of hivers will be in the same uniform. Because that's best way to promote a company or a project. Wearing the T-shirt and face caps makes us looks unique and attractive. In this roads show, we will meet and talk to people by handling them over the printed flyers. We can also have a banner printed with hive logo and other interesting write-ups like, write, post, earn, jion hive io. In the T-shirt, i suggest the front bears hive and it's logo. While the the back have this written on it., embrace web3 today. Many will want to know more about web3 since we are living in a digital era. So, the T-shirt ๐Ÿ‘•, flyers, banners and face caps, is our number one tool's for Hive promotion.

I made mention of road show's. Let me explain it better. We have busy areas like university environments, busy bus stops and junctions. We can mount our banner in those areas and talk to people about Hive. Only seeing the group of hivers with the uniforms working on the road is a huge promotion to hive block chain. Another way to promote hive is through stickers. We can also make stickers. Stick them on busy areas and attach our phone numbers to it including our office address so that anyone can come or call for more informations about hive.

Going to school's is another way to promote hive. When am talking about school here, is secondary and universities. There, we can find those who is looking for an opportunity to share their creativity with people but haven't found. And bringing hive to them is an opportunity they have been looking for. A dream comes through. Instead of holding hive to ourselves alone, we can meet quality content creators in achools. Apart from school's, we can promote hive via radio station or television life shows. People do listen to news on daily basis. Taking hive to radio station will make many who listens to news to hear about hive. If you can't do that due to it's cost, we as individual can start promoting hive by telling our neighbors and friends about hive. That's one on one hive promoting. With hive materials or not. We can share our experiences since we joined hive block chain with them. And that might motivate them to join hive. While promoting Hive, remember is not a get rich quick business. But that doesn't mean that hive can't make one rich. What matters is continuous efforts which will definitely pays out well.

Lastly we can promote hive though social media platforms. Like X (Twitter), Facebook, etc. Instead of only chatting with our friends on those social media platforms, we can share hibe opportunity with them too. We can share it on our timeline, stories, held life talks, share reals, etc. Consistently doing that will attract people to know what Hive is all about. People are on social medias. Promoting Hive in other social media is a good idea.

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