I would refrain from calling myself a socially awkward person. Although I pride myself in having good xommunication skills(online, in my opinion), yet, I don't interact and utilize the social media space so well.

Before Hive, and well, till date, the online interaction platform that I most frequent is Whatsapp. There's Facebook, which I subscribed to but never engaged in it. All I did there was read from authors I fancied, make searches and just scroll through pages and learn.

Most of my time was usually spent on book apps. Reading and reading. I sought to do more online but, haven made a lifestyle how I did, it prove difficult. And when I heard about Hive, it was easy to picture myself in the hub, because it resonated with what I liked- reading and writing. It felt even better to learn that there were tons of things I could do around here and also diversified interests I could pursue. And I would not lie, it was even very amusing to learn that I could make monetary profits out of doing stuff I enjoyed. So yes, my being here was a factor of two things; sharing my pen-craft and the gains.

I got here to find that I love being here, maybe far more than I like what I get, because stating how it is, the rewards are not guaranteed. A lot of us still see and occasionally receive no rewards, yet are not willing to exit.

Too, since I like to write, and yearly, I promise myself to keep a journal and document whatever I please daily which overtime, I begin to flop at and don't go through with, Hive comes in handy. This is to tell that it serves the function of that diary albeit an online one and writing daily, using the prompts help me keep true to my target of daily documenting particularly at times when I feel almost blank.

I think we don't give this platform credit enough. There's much to gain and benefit from around here from; developing good reading and wroting skills, to meeting and learning from people of varying tribes, beliefs and cultures, to even building lasting relationships, to learning just the right writing ethics, you name it. I like the financial gains I get from here as it's been very helpful in a number of ways to me but I could not leave because the rewards are withdrawn. I'd rather stay back and enjoy sharing my writings and catching the fun. A lot of people do the regular social media platforms, stay consistent to putting out content, yet make nothing monetary out of it and it's okay with them. What's the difference between there and here?

The benefits of being here for me are enormous(not everything is about money, yeah?) and I appreciate it. Worse that could happen is that I'd not be very consistent(not saying I am now, cause I'm not) but leave permanently?? Of course not!

Thanks for gracing this post.

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