God can change anything and anyone

And He (God) changeth the time and the seasons... Daniel 2:21

With God, no condition is permanent. There is no situation that God cannot turn around. He can turn the day to night and vice-versa. With Him, there is nothing that is impossible. He can do just anything.


God is all-knowing and all-able. He has no equal. His power is awesome. His wisdom unquestionable. He is the Almighty that has no beginning or ending. When He decides to do anything, no one can stop Him. He is the UNCHANGING changer. He can arrest anyone and move any mountain.

God is great. His ways are unimaginable. There is no one like Him. David said this about Him in Psalm 113:5-9

Who is like into the Lord our God, who dwelleth on high, who humble Himself to behold the things that are in heaven, and in the earth! He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth the needy out of the dunghill; that He may set him with princes, even with the princes of his people. He taketh the barren woman to keep house, and to be joyful mother of children, praise ye the Lord.

With God all things are possible. You can trust Him for anything.

Daily, many people experience one form of change or the other. There is positive change as there is a negative change. There is a change for good and a change for evil. Some changes are worth-while and desirable while others are terrible and undesirable. It is my prayer that you will witness positive changes.

David witnessed a positive change. God moved him from the field as a shepherd boy to the palace as the king of Israel. With the help of God, he became the leader of God's people. His young age, small height and humble background could not stop him. The same God will make a way for you and nothing will stop you. I strongly believe God for the next level. You will surely step into your palace in Jesus name.

You have to make your choice between positive change and negative change. God will not force anything on you. Nebuchadnezzar for example had unpleasant, unbelievable and dramatic experience that drove him from the palace to the field because he failed to give God the glory for the greatness of his kingdom. He thought he was the one in charge. He became an animal. Daniel 4:33, the Bible states that

The same hour was the thing fulfilled upon Nebuchadnezzar: and was driven from men, and did eat grass as oxen, and his body was wet with the dew of heaven, till his hairs were grown like eagles feathers, and his nails like birds claws

What an awesome God that can turn a king to a beast! It is terrible to fall on the wrong side of God. Fear Him. Don't give room for the devil. Resist pride. Humble yourself before God. Allow God to work out His plan for you. Surely, He loves you and would want to help you.


POSITIVE change is real. It is also a choice. Make up your mind to do the things that please God. He will surprise you. Remember, He has the power to change anything. Whatever is not pleasant in your life shall be transformed.


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