Goodbye End of Season, hello new Season.

2 weeks gone, and time is moving forward again. End of season has come and gone. The excitement of revealing our treasures builds up and as soon as those chests reveal we are greeted with either tricks or treats. Luck and RNG, blessings or curses. All possibilities exist.


This season for me ended at a high of Gold I, and a sweet treat of 53 chests. My expectations were moderate, i hoped for many good ones, but lets see what the reality is.

All in all not too bad. Small pockets of SPS, a Chaos pack, a Gold Pelacor Bandit. Couple Exploding Rats and a Djinn Chwala. The usual assortment of potions. Some Merits to add to my stash in the world of guilds. Ill take it, add it to the pile.

Chaos Pack

The Chaos packs reveals a Void Dragon so thats pretty cool. Its enough to get the one i have up to Level 2.

Since Chaos packs are cheap on the Hive Engine, i bought 2 more packs to test luck.

A couple summoners and a Hunter Jarx. No golds though so it might be break even, or close to on these packs but all in all it is what it is.

Lets be like the Mantis

This guy was just hangin under the railing the other day so i tried to grab a picture. Lets be patient and strike like ninjas.

Hope you all have a good day, may the new season begin.

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