My Recap of Last Month and New Month Aims

The biggest encouragement one can ever have in this world is self-encouragement, where you have to personally tell yourself, "I am the boss, I have made it". There are people in this world who don't have anyone to caution them or advise them on things in life and they still succeed, what do you think is their boost? They have cultivated the spirit of telling themselves I can make it when it seems tough and they wholeheartedly acknowledge themselves at the end. So with this same spirit, I would love to share with everyone how I spent this past month and ways I would improve on this month.

It has never been easy for me as a student and a writer who seeks to manage my studies and blogging. It's been a hectic one. When the results for our last semester were released, I didn't believe what I saw, I performed more than I expected. I have dedicated a huge percentage of my time to making sure I'm active in the blockchain and at the same time sorting out every needed school task. It was a big achievement last month and this month is another challenge. I can't forget what my dad told me when I was eight. I was crying and complaining that my school wanted to kill me with lots of homework but he said to me, "My son, you were born for this, challenges are in everyone's DNA so you can't run from it". Though that was my first day to hear of the word "DNA", I got the message right. So this month is another challenge to be active on the blockchain and make excellent grades.
What I would love to improve on? I would love to step up my grades this month to be better than the last. For courses I had a 70-A, I am aiming towards 85 and above A's. I know it's achievable.

"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy", I guess everyone has heard this saying before. The day I heard my head teacher in primary school say this, I stopped doing assignments. I stood by her words against my teachers who incessantly gave us homework till my head teacher had to explain her statement in a formal gathering. What am I trying to say? When pulled down by stress and I suffer writer's block, what then do I do? I make life easy with my unwinding software. My unwinding software is games, YouTube, Netflix and many more. But the negative part of this act of unwinding is abusing my time and data.
I often play these games and watch these videos for a longer time than normal. I have now gotten addicted to playing games especially the Call of Duty Mobile game to the extent that I waste data and time I was supposed to write or study. It's a bad habit I employed last month and I would love to change it, not to improve it, never!
It was a lifestyle I would tag a "waste of time".

The activity that enjoyed last month was making my #vibes music videos. I love to sing but not in public places, not to talk of being recorded with a camera but last month, I have seen myself as a changed person. Though I began to make music videos in the vibes community before last month, anyone who watches my entry in the month before this concluded month would see a great difference. I have also noticed a change in my singing skills and I hope to improve on it in this new month. I'm aiming to be a winner in one of the weekly contests and I know it's possible because I know that alone could make this new month a better one for me.

Image is mine
Last month was a great one, if this month is greater then I would say that I have achieved my plans for this month. "It's hard to get to the top, but it's arduous to remain at the top". I learned this quote in high school when I used to compete for the best math student of the year. I know I was at the top of last month, but it's now a big challenge(in my DNA) to remain at the top of this new month.

Thanks for reading. This is my participation for the #julyinleo prompt for day #01 in collaboration with the #cleanplanet writing contest dropped by @nwothini335 in the #cleanplanet community.
I would love to invite @nwothini335 , @marynn, @kingsleyy, @fashtioluwa, @fexonice and @mariott5464 to join in this contest.

To know more about the #cleanplanet writing prompt, check it out:@nwothini335/cleanplanet-biweekly-prompt-results-new-prompt-last-month-recap-and-new-month-plans-8d7

What of the #inleo daily prompts, it's here too:

Come, engage, share ideas and learn from others.


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