My Favorite Song

Have you ever been in a situation where you feel you have lost, you can't move forward anymore, you are a failure? Have you been in a state where you are no longer confident of being who you have dreamed of becoming?
I know why I decided to ask these questions first before beginning my writing. The last question I would ask before I start hitting the nail on the head is, has carefully listening to the lyrics of a song changed your life at any moment in time? It has for me, let's get down to my life story.

I was brought into a family that was to be graded into three tiers "not well to do", "average" and "no problems at all", I would say my family then fell in the first tier. We just lived to survive. Though at that young age, I didn't know much about life and struggles, I only knew that whenever I was hungry, my parents should provide it in the right quantity.

The time I began to see more about life was when my dad left this world. I was only eight then, so every responsibility to take care of me and the family generally was all on the first son. But as time went on, my elder siblings all made their way out and could fend for themselves. I was left alone with Mom and the first son. My eldest brother took care of me even till my secondary education but after I graduated from high school, it seemed things became tough for him. I could see the future, a future of abrupt end to tertiary education. I had dreamed of becoming a PhD holder but now it looks like I won't even "smell" a tertiary institution.

But something happened, there was a science competition which I registered for. One of the prizes for the winners is a scholarship to a tertiary institution. I knew if I won this competition, it would become a "dream come true." So my teachers encouraged me to prepare very well but I couldn't reach out to my parents since I was in a boarding school. We had study tablets given to us by school but couldn't be used for calls, we were limited to surfing the net by connecting to the school hotspot server. So as a way of encouraging myself, I played this song, "Unstoppable" by Sia. This became my favorite song because it cuts across all areas of life. Look at the lyrics I used to encourage myself:

I put my armor on, show you how strong I am
I put my armor on, and I'll show you that I am……
I'm unstoppable
I'm a Porsche with no brakes
I'm invincible
Yeah, I win every single game
I'm so powerful
I don't need batteries to play
I'm so confident
Yeah, I'm unstoppable today

This is the part of the song I focused on so much and it helped me so much. Just as my friend, @nwothini335 said, "Music is like magic, it can help ease anxiety and fear, and it can also help relax a worried heart." That's exactly what I got from listening to that song.
In the part of the song that said, "I put my armor on", I viewed the armor as the things I read in preparation for the competition. Then this part of the lyrics, "I'm unstoppable today", made me feel like no one else was winning the competition other than me.
My faith finally concurred with this part, "I'm so confident."

This song gave me confidence, and the courage to face other contestants and win. Even in the test hall where we all sorted for the final test, I was singing this song within me and every form of freight was getting loose gradually. I would say this song is my favorite because it came to me when I needed it the most and it served its purpose, to work magic in my life. The magic of giving hope, ease and confidence. It will always be my favorite song.

Thanks for reading. This is my entry for the #cleanplanet biweekly writing contest prompt with the theme, "Favorite Song."
To know more about the #cleanplanet writing contest:

Here are the song lyrics, if anyone wants to explore the song:

I would love my friends @fexonice, @kingsleyy, @fashtioluwa and @samiwrites to join this contest, I would love to explore others favorite songs too, hehe.

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