My Favorite Game

Namaste everyone!

This is a new week for us to share ideas and engage with one another. I feel so delighted to have an entry into this week's theme for the #iucontest.

One of my unwinding software is my game apps. I have loved playing games since I was a child. My parents had to buy me a tablet because I didn't let them make use of their phones. I loved playing games from childhood. The games I loved playing when I was a child were racing, bubble-bursting games and those of similar features. But now I have grown past such, I have upgraded to a greater level. I now fancy shooting and driving games. This is a transition from soft to action games.

                My Favorite Game


My favorite game is Call of Duty. This game is very addictive and interesting. I began to play this game due to the influence of friends. There are several reasons why I love this game and I would like to share them with everyone.

  1. Connection: Playing this game has helped me make a lot of friends. One interesting thing about the Call of Duty game is that it's an online multiplayer game where one can connect with others around the world and have fun. Through this game, I have made friends in different countries of the world such as Egypt, India and most other places. We sometimes chat, talk and organize contests.

  2. Tactics: I love this shooting game because it helps one develop his skills in thinking and aiming. There are several types of gunfights in this game. I love playing the sniper match because it requires accuracy and tactics to win your opponent.


  1. Commitment: Whenever I play this game with my friends or those I feel are more skilled than I am, I often put all my effort into becoming the winner of the game. The commitment to avoid being tagged the loser or suffering down ranking, one would be committed to winning every match.

  2. Ranks: One other feature of this game that makes it my favorite is Rankings. Right now I'm ranked Grand Master IV in this game. This rank feature has made this game my favorite because I have always tried my best to maintain or surpass this rank to Legendary ranking which is the highest rank. This rank has some advantages and makes other players afraid of playing in your lobby.

Needed Improvement in the Game

One thing I think needs to be improved in this game is the cost of certain weapons. This game has legendary and mythic guns and other weapons. Legendary weapons can be obtained by commitment and serious engagement in the game but mythic guns and weapons are bought with real money. Buying this mythic weapon is very nice and acceptable because the game owners have to earn from their services but what I would love them to improve on is the cost of these weapons. Using these mythic weapons has a lot of advantages over normal weapons used by other regular players. I would love the game owners to cut down the cost of these mythic weapons to be affordable by all and not only for the rich. The cost of one mythic weapon is worth my school fees for a year for those with bad luck during the mythic weapons draws.

Despite that I don't have mythic weapons, I still love this game and it will continue to be my favorite.

Thanks for reading.
This is my participation for the #iucontest.
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