A Call to My City Government

A good government is not only a kind that feeds the citizens with money and food needs. It's a kind that digs deep to find the immediate and future problems of the citizens and every occupant of the nation and works towards resolving the problems through any possible legal means.

My country is one known for its free and overflowing blessings of natural resources such as crude oil, fertile land, tin, and several others. With the profits derived from huge exports of crude oil and other export produce and resources, my country still suffers from the lack of good infrastructure. The internal roads are worse to be called bad. The government has tried to maintain some of the major roads, and I guess they did this because they too pass there to attend special events. My country needs better roads.

I remember the day I went to visit my friend. We agreed that I would meet her at home on Monday morning, but there was heavy rainfall on Sunday night which made the internal road leading to her house unpassable. The gutters are filled up with sand and plastic waste. This is because the government had refused to pay those who sweep sand from the road. Whenever rain falls, it washes off the sand into the gutters and when the gutters get full with flowing water, the water rushes to the land and remains, making everywhere flooded. To be honest, I'm just trying to control my internal feelings of internal feelings of anger, I am literally ranting right now.


My country needs to improve on many things, not only on roads. If corruption could go on leave for at least two days in my country, I bet everyone that the country would experience a two-second turnaround. There is no free public water kiosk and individuals who have the opportunity to have water at expense have turned it into a big business. My country needs roads and also needs better roads. When I say roads, I'm trying to say that a lot of pathways have no passable roads and what I mean by saying better roads is that a lot of the so-called roads constructed by the government are now washed off by erosion and they now look like graves dug and left open.

The picture below shows one of the bad internal roads that need good construction work but what the government is only doing is covering up the potholes with concrete which I know for sure will be washed away by the flood. This is not the first time the government is doing this meaningless work.

Since the work of environmental and city development is mainly one of the roles of the government, I feel my town could be improved upon by electing good leaders who would not only want to fill their bottomless pockets in their undeserving offices. Individuals could also contribute to the town's growth. I most times see some young youths who fill up potholes willingly. But the funny part of their service is that they would block the road and tax every taxi driver or car owner who wants to drive past the road they have worked on. Well-to-do individuals could also help the government, by helping out financially. For a country like mine right now, there is no need for any improvement in the arts. A country where the cost of living is too costly. The price of food items is changing every nanosecond.

For me right as an individual, I honestly don't know how I could help my country improve than to pray for the leaders to come back to the human realm where there is a human conscience to consider the needy, the suffering masses, the gallops from the bad roads which has lead to a lot of miscarriages when pregnant women are being driven to the hospital through the bad roads, the unnecessary curfew placed upon homes whose compound entrances have been flooded. I am sick and tired of complaining but never tired of praying.
I pray the government will do its best to improve our roads and put interest in making the cost of living affordable for low-income citizens.

Before I conclude, I must say that the government of my town is also trying its best but needs to do better. This is the underground water reservoir the government has signed the project to be constructed to check flooding. The government needs to do better. It is often said, "Food first", my city and nation need the government to checkmate prices of food items, we don't need the arts, there are preferences.

Thanks for reading and I hope you have felt my bitterness of heart and pray for my city. This is a call to my city government, a complaint, a rant, a ......, hmmmm, the government should please intervene.
This is my entry for the #aprilinleo day 25. It's open to everyone and you can participate by clicking on this link

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