My ways of dealing with stress

Stress can not be avoided as an adult because we need to work and help our family.


There is no job without stress just that some are better managed than others, those who are working offline suffer the most due to the stress of moving from one place to the other amidst the traffic they are going to face, it is stressful for some people to have daily conversation with others and if you work offline, it will be hard to avoid this because of communication with colleagues and customers is needed.

It does not mean that those who work online have it easier too, Imagine having to hunt airdrop from morning till night, going from one site to the other, mining tokens, farming points, claiming, connecting, bridging, and every other just to qualify for an airdrop, there are many other several online skills, blogging, web developer, affiliate marketing and so on but none is stress-free!

Today was really stressful for me because I did a lot of tasks and also went out for some medical tests only to find out that I had typhoid, unlike the last time that I did not go for a check-up and wasted money treating malaria instead of Typhoid, never committing such mistake again, hence why I decided to do the test to figure out the reason for the hot temperature and slight headache... Now I know what to use to cure myself of the illness.

All that stress made me so tired that I just wanted to crash on the bed but I dare not sleep without completing my daily tasks, Yea I know health is wealth but still I need to finish my tasks before sleeping. xd


My best way of dealing with stress

Sleep: Sleep has proven to be one of the best ways to deal with stress, no matter how stressed I am, If I sleep and wake up, I am relieved of all stress, the only issue here is I do not like sleeping and often it is always a battle between me and Mr sleep before I eventually succumb to the force, It is not that I hate sleeping but I have more tasks to do that sleeping is the last thing I want to do, I sleep because it is compulsory.

Take a stroll: Sometimes when I do not feel like sleeping, I take a stroll to get fresh air since I am always locked indoors all day, this tends to relieve me of stress and calm my nerves and memory because I realize whenever I do this, It boost my energy to work harder when I get back inside.

There are other ways to relieve myself of stress, like taking a shower, listening to music, eating might sound funny but that is another way I relieve myself of stress.

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
Don't wish for it, Make it happen

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