In the Coming Crypto 🚀 Moon Shot 🌙... Don't Buy a Lambo 🏎


Don't buy a Lambo.

The running narrative in all the media is the haves, and the have nots.

It is emphasized in the news.
It is driven home in "Keeping Up With the Kardashians".

The current meme is the 99% vs The 1%.

Wealth inequality is the talking agenda. Cultural marxism is pushing this as THE problem. And we need govern-cement to fix it.

The rich are evil.
How dare you have more than others.

There are people starving while you eat your fillet-mingnon!

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But really, this is a giant con game. Using the uneducated masses to purge a good portion of society, while allowing those that control govern-cement to bring in draconian measures.

Remember, when Hitler started rounding up the Jews, was only after a lot of propaganda about the Jews being the cause of all the problems. Now, it is the "rich" who are the cause of all the problems.

Reality is that most americans have a TV, electric lights, refrigeration and a thousand other conveniences. Even our poor have this. Americans are The 1% of the world.

Much of the rest of the world spends more than 50% of their income on food. In America, if you are frugal, you can buy a weeks groceries for an hour of labor.

We are truly head and shoulders above everyone else. But, we compare ourselves to The Kardashians. Further, everything, all the adverts, all the propaganda pointed at the middle class is always, "you don't have enough money", "All your problems are because of not enough money."

So, instead of being thankful for all the wealth that we have, we feel compelled to strive harder for more money. With more money, there will be happiness. But the happiness never comes. Thus breeds resentment to those bad "rich" people.

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Using this striving for money as a motivator works as long as their is upward mobility. Then there is an outlet for the pent up rage. "Just work harder".

But, the wages of the working class have been stagnant for decades. Even dropping when you account for inflation. The working class is getting squeezed. And there is no path out of the mire. The people are getting restless and resentful.

And this building anger is being directed toward the "rich". Basically anyone who has a nice car. The anger isn't directed towards the FED (the group stealing money through inflation) or the govern-cement for driving business over seas, or the mega-banks who sold out the working class. Most people don't even know about these groups. The MSmockingbirdM NEVER talks about them.

Instead, all we hear is "those lousy 1% are keeping us down." It is in all the media, especially the social media.

Too bad this anger being built up is misdirected. After they riot and burn down all the cities, the ruling elite will laugh all the way to the bank. None of the controlling structure will even be touched.

So, what this means is,

Don't Buy a Lambo.

When you make those huge gains on cryptos. And they will be HUGE!
They won't hit the moon, they will completely overshoot the moon and be on their way to Mars.

When you make those huge gains on cryptos, do not spend them on flashy items. All you will be doing is painting a bulls-eye on yourself.

Your Lambo will be destroyed, beaten and set on fire. And you as well, if they find you near it. This anger that has been building up is extreme. Many call it the coming revolution, but it is not anything like an evolution, it is a revolution in the truest sense, revolving-back-to-the-beginning. (with all the same problems intact, to do it all over again.)

So, do not buy a lambo. Buy a used truck and lots of food. And a good place where you can grow food that is away from the cities.

If you have to buy a sporty car, buy a working man's sports car. Like a Mustang.

People driving mere Porsches are already getting burning stares and outraged shouts.
So, even though many of us have wanted a Lambo since Cannonball Run, we have run out of time. Having a Lambo while Rome burns will not help us escape the flames.

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All images in this post are my own creations.

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