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"Males are useless. Get rid of them"
"But they are beautiful! And they smell so edible!"
"Yes. Yes. Lovely. But you are wasting your time. Listen to me! I keep telling you: No more males."

When I turned around to ask my husband what he thought about my brother's advice he was furiously mopping the floor. "Sorry, Honey, I need to hang the washing and then finish washing the dishes. Can't stop to chat. Oh....and when I'm done I'll take the children with me to turn the compost. You take some time out for yourself"

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The air is pulsating with the busy little - girl - honey bees. The incredible sweet scent of blossoming plants attracts butterfly, bird, bee and ..... me!! Capturing that joyous shot of the little foraging creatures on the flowers is a special moment.

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Our .... umm .... weeds tower overhead, dripping their pale green pollen. The scent from the male flowering weed is indescribable. How can I not share the enthusiasm of the bees.

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Just look at those legs weighed down with the wonderful pollen! There are dozens and dozens of little working bees on the flowers.

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Why is it that; so often in nature, the male is beautiful while the female is, well, rather drab. Don't you also find that it is often the rather drab little female who is also hard working while the male is, well, just kept for his procreating purposes. Poor magnificent and undervalued males. Whether Man, beast, bee or weed I love them equally for their unique purpose and beauty.

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