You Are Not In Competition!



This world seems to be full of one form of competition or the other, people seem to always try to show the world that they are outdoing others in something. It might be in something positive, and it might be in something negative. Most of the time, there is just that innate urge to let people know that what they are experiencing is actually nothing compared to what we are going through.

It is not uncommon for you to be telling someone about an achievement you had in the past, and then you will hear something like, “this is nothing, what about when I did this and that?”

Or when you are trying to tell a sad tale about yourself, people try to bring their own sadder tale to overshadow yours. Like, are we having a pity contest or what?


So, my question now is, why do we always feel this need to show that we are better or worse off than others? Why can’t we just be satisfied with the way things are, after all, if they do know we are better or worse off, it won’t do anything to help our situation. This is one form of competition I have come to see that does not really make any sense. It could be because I do not really understand it. But then, there are still a lot of things about humans I do not know.

It is always said that this life is a race, and we only get to the finish line when we die. But truly, is life a race? Because a race is also a competition, and in a competition, each player is given equal opportunities so they will have equal chances at winning. But that is the opposite of life, life is not fair when doling out resources and opportunities, some have more than others.


So, with such irregularities, how can life be a race? Who are you racing against? After all, we are not racing against anyone, except maybe our past self. So when you look at it, there is really no need to be in competition, because there is no prize for any winner in the grand scheme of things. There will be no prize for the person that suffered the most, or the one that enjoyed the most, all we would get in the end is the cold embrace of death and whatever comes after.

So, my dear friends, I feel we all need to go beyond doing better to actually being better. It is not every time someone tells us about something they are going through that we would also want to tell them about what we are going through personally. Good or bad, it is not right. At least, let that moment belong to them, your own time will come.

And when our time does come, we would have all the time and attention we need to tell our story. And hopefully, it would not be overshadowed by someone else trying to tell theirs right after ours. Because as I said, we are not in competition. We are just trying to live our lives. Let us do it as peacefully as we can.


Thank you for reading. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below, I would love to know what you’re thinking. Till we meet in the next post.


Borderimage credit: @deimage.

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