Mr. President for a Day


Image by Aditya Joshi

Hello everyone, how are you doing on this beautiful evening? The week is now barreling to a close and we are looking forward to the coming weekend. It is going to be lit!

Today, I would love to talk about the final topic that was chosen by the house in our last hangout on the Discord server. If I were to be the president for a day, what would I do?

That is a big question.

I am a Nigerian, and growing up I have always known my country to be full of corrupt leaders. As in there was not a time when we could boast of a good leader during my lifetime. Yeah, I am that young. All I have ever known are a bunch of old men who are just interested in amassing money that is meant for the people and keeping it for themselves.

To keep themselves in power, they keep on rotating it among themselves, so it never leaves their cycle. My country is a beehive of strikes and industrial actions, there is a litany of abandoned projects and collapsed industries. In every sector you go, you will see decades of neglect by the government after government. All of them come with sweet words, promising us heaven and earth and throwing around wads of cash. And once they get into office, it is all man for himself.

This is how I have always viewed my country, and for a long time, it did not change. If this question had been asked me four to five years ago, I would have said I would just go and get as much money as I can. After all, it is the people’s money and I am part of the people. That was what politics was at that time, just a means to get rich.

But now, after growing up and being on my own, getting wiser after I have faced the harsh realities of life without the shelters my parents provided. I have seen that a lot of the sufferings my people and I go through are just pointless. There is no logical reason for it at all.

Just because a group of men decides to turn an entire nation into their cash cow, the millions of people in it will have to suffer for it and they just do not care. We battle with insecurities, unemployment, power failure, high inflation rate, fuel scarcity… the list goes on and on if I choose to state them all here I will be writing this for the next three days.
So, if I do get to be president even if it is just for one day, what will I do? First of all, I will use my veto power to pass a law, withdrawing all elderly men in the country from running for political office. Once you are sixty and above, you can no longer contest elections, but you can still vote.

Although this will not get rid of corruption totally, it will be a step. The cover that these men use to perpetrate their acts will be lost. And the next thing I will do once I get into power will be to make all of them pay for their crimes.

This also might not eradicate corruption, but it will surely reduce it drastically and it will keep other officials on their toes because they know that any small mistake on their part could cause them to lose their jobs and even go to prison.

By the time I am done with this my day might already be over. So I will just take a ride in the presidential jet and fly somewhere. I do not know where exactly yet. But if that day does come, rest assured I will have that answer by then.

Elections are coming next year; soon we will be hearing promises up and down. I can only hope that this time a real change will come, one that is favorable for every citizen. If you are a Nigerian and you are reading this, please get your PVC and help us vote out bad leaders.

If we do not do it, then who will?

Thank you for reading, till we meet in the next post.

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