Multi Player 2D Arcade Game To Win More STEEM! (


This is a proposal that is being submitted to the Steem Proposal System (SPS). You can see the proposals on

Game Play

Players are matched up against other real players from around the world in two player and four player matches to 10 kills. You won't ever be playing against a computer which makes the game more fair because it is a game of skill against fellow community members.

Sample Video Of Game Play


In both the two player games and four player games the winner gets 90% of the proceeds and the 10% game fee is split between development and the referring account. 6% going to development and the remaining 4% going to the referral accounts.


The referral bonus can get quite lucrative because it is 4% of the pot every time that player plays the game. This will aid the game in going viral not only on this blockchain but across the crypto currency space in general. The 4% goes to development for non referred accounts.


With dice games or card games there is an element of chance. Steem Galaxy is a game of skill which positions you against other real world players from around the globe. To improve your chances it is best to play on a computer with a fast connection. Playing on a mobile device makes it harder to control.

Steem Galaxy will be simple yet addictive because you can challenge other Steemians and keep taking the pot of digital treasure!



Steemians fly their Steem Ship and blow up their competitors in a race to 10 Kills. When 10 Kills are reached the funds are sent to the winner.

Threat of Bots

It would be extremely unlikely a bot could be programmed that could defeat human Steemians because the movements would be fairly unpredictable especially in a situation where there are 4 players. Yes I know there are advanced AIs that have done really good at games like Counter Strike and I saw a crazy robot playing table tennis against a really good human player. If someone goes to that amount of trouble I guess the game was successful. 🤣

Example: 4 Steemians enter a 10 STEEM Match. 40 STEEM Total is in the pot. The first player to 10 Kills gets 36 STEEM. Each referring account gets 0.4 STEEM for a total referral payout of 1.6 STEEM and the development fund gets 2.4 STEEM. (Even the referring accounts of the players who didn't win are getting a payout to keep incentivizing them to promote it to more Steemians!)

Point of Progress

I started originally working on the game for EOS but then switched over to working on it for STEEM because since STEEM already was a social platform games could go viral much quicker with a good referral program. The website was put up as a place holder but wasn't finished because there were a lot of other things to do first. Then I went to California and the STEEM Proposal System was in the works so I figured I would just wait for this day to come to get funding to complete the project.

I will have to utilize the help of other developers to take this the distance which is another reason why I stopped. It made more sense at the time for me to use my personal funds to take bigger positions in the crypto market instead of spending too much money on development when prices were sinking.


I have been in the crypto space since 2013 and on STEEM since July of 2016. I have a Computer Information Systems degree from Purdue University, have worked for Fortune 500 companies, and also the University of Arizona. I was also a technical mentor at the EOS Hackathons in Sydney Australia (2018), Africa (2018 online), and San Francisco (2018).

Hopefully you will consider this proposal which will add additional engagement to the STEEM ecosystem! Thank you!

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