Dream Big!


It's hard to believe that it is almost time for another Summer in Michigan. It seems like just a short time ago we were in the middle of Winter waiting to see how much snow we were going to get and wishing for warmer temperatures.

I had a few ideas for a post today, then I realized I might have more finance news than I can fit in one post tomorrow, so I figured I better get started a day early!

It's funny how when the markets feel a bit of a turn like they have recently how you start thinking about some of those big things that you haven't in the past. Sort of like lottery fever when the jackpot gets close to $1 billion dollars. I was thinking about some of the tokens I am invested in last night and I found myself wondering "if I could just pull out at least $1 million".

Unfortunately, in the US that's more realistically about $700,000 USD after you pay the taxes. Still not a bad chunk of change. It might not buy you the vacation house we visited last year on the shores of Lake Huron in the photo above, but it could be a down payment.

Honestly, if you know me, you know that I am a fan of passive income. I'd likely invest the majority of the money to set myself up for a decent monthly passive income when I decide to stop working and it becomes more necessary. Anything short of six figures and that is the plan. Over six figures... Probably the same plan with a few more splurges here and there!


Something like this maybe. I've been following KZoo Bullion for a while now. Thanks to those of you who have followed the referral link and purchased something. I appreciate the reward points!


They've really been expanding their hand poured offerings. I guess it helps when you have such a skilled and prolific creator just the next large town over from where you are located. I've mentioned this before, but Bay City Bullion was new to me, but I know many OG's in the silver/gold community are quite familiar with them.

Based on the quality of their pieces... I can see why they have been so impressed. You better believe if I happen to come into some newfound crypto riches, I will definitely be picking up a decent amount of hand poured silver.


Looks like that last photo got cut off somehow. My apologies.

I was sitting in my office with a little bit of free time on my hands yesterday when I decided I would switch on some CSPAN. If you aren't familiar, CSPAN is the government channel that brings the public the events that are happening in the US Government. Before streaming was actually a thing, they have been broadcasting meetings of the house and senate for over 40 years I think.

The key reason I flipped it on had to do with a pair of bills that were going before the house. One was a bill to lay out a framework for when crypto should be considered a commodity and when it should be considered a security. This bill was endorsed by Coinbase, so I will let you be the judge if that is good or bad.

It ended up passing 279 to 136 which means this mostly republican sponsored bill saw many democrats cross the aisle to support it. That's a lot better than I expected. Usually most of these votes fall along party lines.

As a moderate democrat, it was pretty disappointing to watch the representative from Massachusetts talk about pretty much everything but the actual bill. In fact, his actions were so moronic he ended up getting banned from speaking the rest of the day. Way to represent your constituents douchebag.

Unfortunately, actions like that is the majority of what we are dealing with the US today and it's part of the reason that we will likely never see any real change. I've seen more civil and mature behavior in an elementary classroom.

The other bill was basically a ban on the Federal Reserve (I think) creating a CBDC. This one was a bit more contentious and I think there is going to be a lot of debate on it before they actually vote on it.

After watching the feed yesterday it became painstakingly obvious just how slowly things move in the government. Although the bill has been introduced, it could be a while before we actually see a vote on it. Then again, they could vote on it today. Who knows. I'm not sure if The House is even in session again today.

It's actually kind of interesting to see what kinds of things our lawmakers deal with on a daily (yeah right) basis.

Did you know there is a "Bicycles for Rural African Transport Act" that has been introduced?

No lie.

All the politics aside, there is a lot to be excited about right now. The price of silver is (or was) up, BTC is touching that 70K point again, and ETH seems to be on a tear with the expected news of the ETFs. Oh yeah, and meme coins seem to be doing meme coin things, so there is that too.

I'm not advocating people buy into meme coins. I prefer to hold tokens that actually have some kind of use case. That being said, if I can throw a couple dollars in a machine at the casino or towards that Powerball jackpot I mentioned above, why can't I throw $50 at some random meme token. I don't feel like you should have to be ashamed for that. I also don't think anyone else should make you feel bad for making that move.

You do you, don't let them stop you from dreaming big!

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All pictures/screenshots taken by myself or @mrsbozz unless otherwise sourced

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