Growing Leofinance Through Community Pages: Write, Tag and Win

Three days ago, I read a post from @leogrowth about winning HiveFest tickets with accomodation guaranteed in Amsterdam which would hold 15th September to 18th September. I wasn't surprised per se because its no news again and personally, winning those tickets would be a big deal for me or anyone but hey I don't think I want to win as I can't cater for every other expense which would be detrimental at this point

To put the HiveFest at a close distance as this post isn't really about hivefest but to celebrate @leofinance community for always being at the forefront of innovation and giving opportunity to everyone equally.
It was actually a surprise to see a new notification from @anomadsoul calling on helping leofinance grow. Truth is that I already had plans to make this post I'm writing now by 17:00 and the reminder came about 30 minutes before time, lol.
How things fall in place as one wouldn't have imagined.

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I've been so into my head that I didn't remember to begin making research to start on the community pages but this is now official for me to begin.
There are actually 18 community pages which includes:
Apeboard Finance
Coin Desk
Coin Gecko
Coin Market Cap
Coin Telegraph
Defi Return

Pick one of the communities we have on Leo Finance.
Make a high quality post on Leo Finance about said topic using the relevant tags so your content shows up in the Community Page.
Go to Twitter and share your article, tag (@) the twitter account in the list and use the hashtags below to spread the word about your piece to other crypto users and other crypto communities...

The catch making post regarding this effect is that out of the 18 Community Pages, if you can make at least seven (7) high quality post per community, there'd be a surprise.
Just have to make high quality post from now to 31st of July regarding the community pages. Now who doesn't love surprises and hey, it's a leofinance surprise so just imagine...
You could read here for yourself.

Let's grow the leofinance through the community pages @onwugbenuvictor @readthisplease @attentionneeded. I know I didn't need to tag you guys but I did still.

Thanks for visiting my blog, till next time.

Image not mine, it belongs to @Shaialfonzo

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