Majority of COVID deaths in the US are now in vaccinated people: The Washington Post

World COVID vaccination map with the US highlighted
Image: The New York Times
24 November 2022

For a number of months, various independent reporters and researchers expressed their concerns about both efficacy and safety of the COVID-19 vaccines which only successfully went through the authorization process due to the COVID pandemic emergency. Normally, a technology like that would be viewed as experimental and never mandatory.

Immediately following their introduction data started emerging showing that, contrary to the official narrative (promoted by many luminaries, including US President Joe Biden) the vaccines were not all that "safe and effective" as the vaccinated were getting and spreading COVID, while suffering unusual negative side effects at rates that would normally be viewed as alarming.

However, we live in a time that is anything but normal, and those voicing these fully understandable concerns were largely dismissed, sometimes oppressed, and labeled "nuts" and "conspiracy theorists". But now, it would seem that "conspiracy theorists" have somehow infiltrated infiltrated The Washington Post ranks as the paper has just published a report stating outright that the majority of COVID deaths in the US (58%) is now among the vaccinated Americans. The New York Times' vaccination tracking database currently lists 80% of Americans as having received at least one vaccine dose. Officially, that does not make them fully vaccinated but we will go with that estimate as a rough reference point. Going by the estimate, one's likelihood of COVID death while vaccinated is about 34% of one's unvaccinated counterpart. That is a low estimate, though, and in reality protection is even less impressive than a reduction of two thirds. So, given that these vaccines are not perfectly safe, as I have already stated, it makes their usefulness even more questionable.


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Tracking Coronavirus Vaccinations Around the World
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