I got my first Season Rewards worth $ 1.474 for being in Silver 1.

Hey guyz,

Um back people with another blog post in HIVE.

This time I'm going to show what I got from Season Rewards.

I started playing someday before and then I invested two times in the game and then I've found out that season end was knocking at the door and I was at Bronze league at that time.

I played many battles the last night and I could unlock Silver 1 league.
I tried to do better but I couldn't as I don't have better cards and I don't understand the game that much and besides I was losing battles for which I had to stop playing after a time.

I claimed my rewards a moment earlier.


18 loot chests for being Silver 1.

I started revealing every chest thinking I might find something great.


Total Rewards with Value.

  • DEC: 1230 worth $ 0.68 (Current Market Price).
  • Potions: $ 0.22
    • 3 Legendary Potion Charges worth $ 0.12 ($ 0.04 Per Potion)
    • 2 Alchemy Potion Charges worth $ 0.10 ($ 0.05 Per Potion)
  • Cards: $ 0.134
    • Serpentine Mystic (Value: $ 0.034)
    • Silvershield Assassin (Value: $ 0.037)
    • Wave Runner (Value: $ 0.006)
    • Flame Monkey (Value: $ 0.009)
    • Sand Worm (Value: $ 0.031)
    • Nectar Queen (Value: $ 0.009)
    • Barking Spider (Value: $ 0.008)
  • 1 Untamed Booster Pack: $ 0.44
    To open the untamed booster pack, I needed to go to the OPEN page from the menu bar and then I've found out that I had 3 Alchemy Potion and 3 Legendary Potion in my collection and then I bought 2 more Alchemy Potion and 2 more Legendary Potion.
    Then I've seen that there was 1 untamed booster pack in my collection.
    I had to drag the booster pack to the circle in the middle of the page
    Then something happened and I've got 5 more cards worth $ 0.44.
    • Serpentine Spy
    • Parasitic Growth
    • Crystal Jaguar
    • Elven Defender
    • Wizard of Eastwood

I got rewards worth of total
= $ 0.68 for DEC + $ 0.22 for Potions + $ 0.134 for Cards + $ 0.44 for Booster Pack Cards.
= $ 1.474

Image Source: Images of this post are collected from splinterlands website.

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End of the post.

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