Washing & Bonding


My favorite things on the planet...my pups! Sorry everything else but you are a distant second to these fuzzy assholes. While some may view it as a chore, I enjoy giving the baths. It’s one on one time I have with my pups and as they are getting older, I cherish these moments a bit more.

The pack was getting a bit rank and the clock was ticking down to a date with the tub. Luckily there’s a new pet shop in town called Pet Supplies Plus that has a phenomenal deal. For $25 bucks you get a card worth 5 washes. Basically I show up with the pup and leave soaked and covered in fur.

They supply everything. You just pop yer pup in the stall, fasten them with the attached leash, and start washing. There are 4 different shampoos to choose from and it all comes out of the same water hose. Then at the end there is a air hose used for drying. They must hate when I come in as I have Siberian Husky’s and Alaskan Malamutes. That means fur blows EVERYWHERE!!!

I brung them in one at a time then drive home and pick up the next. Then repeat again. Good thing it’s a 2 minute drive. All together to do the 3 I’d say it’s under 2 hours. I just wish my boy Bandit was still with us as he loved getting washed and I appreciated the time we spent making him look all snazzy.

Anyway, I first started with my girl Maya. She’s my youngest and is full of pep. Luckily she was pretty decent getting washed. She got a little whiney when she heard other dogs walk by the area but overall she was easy. She gets into a lot of stuff and digs so she needed it.


Dropped that bitch off home and snagged the boy. He has a little skin infection on his underbelly so it was getting slightly crusty and stinky. For some reason he’s always been prone to ear and skin infections. We treat them and they come back. Just genetics for him we’ve been told.

I picked up a bottle of Selson Blue which I was told was good for his skin issues and a scrub so I could work him good. He was an absolute angel and never made a peep. I talk to them and shower them with kisses as I work em so I’m sure I look like a crazy person. They love it though so that’s all that matters.




After drying him off and having hair blow around the area, I took him home and snatched Bindi. Bindi is my old biddie. She will be 15 in a couple months and she does not like baths anymore. She howled and sang the song of her people for like 85% of the bath. Loudly. So much that customers kept coming over and laughing. It made for a fun time.



All in all I love the time I spend with my pups. I feel as though I take it for granted in everyday life at times. The fact that I have these majestic beings by my side in this journey through life. I’m extremely lucky to have them. I wish their brother Bandit was still here. We lost in in February of 2015 and to this day my heart still breaks daily. I’m grateful that I had them by my side to help me through the tough dark days without him with us. That’s why I’m trying to soak up every minute I can with my best of friends here.

Until the next bath day...

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