What's New With Hive and Goals

Each week I like to do a recap of the new things happening on the hive blockchain. If there are lots of big updates I'll mainly focus on that but if it's a lighter week I'll toss in my goals as well as a way to keep myself accountable but also to show others what is possible with constant commitment, time, building connections and investment.

What's New With Hive

The price action on hive has been pretty much none existent. I mean I think it's been holding better as a stable price then HBD lol

Over the last year Hive has gone from $0.33 per to what we have today at $0.30. While we had spikes that looked promising it was quickly sold back keeping us in that lower end of 30 cents no matter what the rest of the markets did.

On top of that Hive is increasingly getting a little crazy with the amount of money coming out of the DHF in my opinion. While I know I catch flak for this all the time I'm still going to talk about it no matter how many blocks or downvotes I get. Not only are we spending nearly half a million again for Q3 of hive with very little results coming from it and honestly a huge money pit but we are also getting charity cases funded through the DHF.

This constantly puts negative sell pressure on the price of hive and is seriously NOT what the DHF is for. The DHF is there to better the token price, build on hive and so forth but it's seriously become so centralized to a few people owning millions of hive that this legit negative pressure DHF proposals are getting passed and it's only getting worse now.

My personally confidence of hive ever really becoming something and as an investor is at an all time low now and I know I'm not the only one feeling that way clearly shown by the price action of hive.



Goal: 250,000 Current: 109,332

We packed on a little more hive compared to last week for a total of 347 new hive that was powered up on the account. That's just shy of 50 hive a day which the goal is at least 100 hive a day powered up. We are getting there for sure but it's going to take constant effort for sure. I'm also now expanding outside of hive as ways to generate revenue that can be pumped into hive in one way or another to push me closer towards those goals and it's crazy is most of it has to do with the gaming sector.

HBD Goal

Goal: 182,500 Current: 4,313.30

A nice healthy bump to the HBD for sure as I added another 105.54 in the last week or roughly 15 HBD per day. That's a decent number and the goal here is to get to 100 HBD per day passivly. That will require 182,500 HBD at a 20% interest rate to hit that goal.


Goal: 150,000 Current: 138,252

Week over week we added another 463 LEO which is a little over 66 per day. That's actully really good towards to goal because what's needed per day to hit my goal by end of year is 55 meaning I'm beating it which means I'll be hitting my goal at this rate sooner than end of year which really is the goal.

The main reason for the 150,000 goal is to have the highest rank currently on InLeo. What's really crazy is to get to that goal it's only 10k fiat value to get there so it's very well possible for anyone to reach there within a few years easy.

At this point in time it's very unclear on if the LEO token will ever hold substantial value again. Unless some things start to happen I see it sitting below $0.10 for the foreseeable future. Of course it's pretty closely pegged to hive so as the value of hive goes up LEO would naturally increase as well.

So what's the breakdown looking like?

Hive - 49 x $0.30 - $14.70
LEO - 66 x $0.07 - $4.62
HBD - 15 x $1 - $15
This gives me a total of roughly $34.32 earned per day from writing articles on Leo/Hive and doing max curation on others posts. Here in the USA that would equate to roughly 1-2 working hours so for sure a far cry of what would be needed to make a full time living with hive.

On the other hand Splinterlands Is starting to look promising again. The sell pressure seems to have subsided, DEC is getting stronger with my hopes of being most extra inflation cards have been burned.

Land is also looking to be shaping up finally now almost 7 months after talks about releasing land. To be honest Land seems to be the one major player that's actully increasing values of assets right now.

With more liquidity pools online (currently just grain:dec) we are also seeing more burns and fees collected of DEC which is having a positive impact overall. Just imagine when 10 or more liquidity pools are online. For example wood is going to be another huge one and could be even higher than grain I think.

My goal here is still to stack SPS and get to at least 1 million. We added in a total of 20,000+ last week due to an outside buy I did. I've also been buying up more cards and DEC in an effort to start getting more plots online now.

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