RWA The Next Evolution From Blackrock ? 4 Core Sectors

Real World Assets otherwise now known as RWA is becoming a major factor for the next evolution of the blockchain and cryptocurrency. We are starting to see places like Blackrock step out in front of it and start taking it on.

But in this article I don't want to focus so much on Blackrock but instead four key sectors I believe will has massive growth and implementation into blockchain and RWA.


Verchain was actully one of the first places to start talking about and doing RWAs but this is also a clear example of if you're the first one to do something often means you're going to have a lot of arrows in your back with competitors trumping off of your limited early success.

Coming soon to Vechain will be vebetter a DAO system that rewards engaging. This is the type of social interaction we have seen MANY times. I can't even tell you how many platforms reward you tokens for using other platforms and they have always underwhelmed. Maybe this one will be different? Time will tell as Vebetter releases soon.


These mainly come down to Bonds and treasury yields which are paying out some decent rates at the moment which are making them very popular. With so called fed rate reductions in around 6-7 months it's possible these platforms are only going to be valuable for a short period of time. As fed rate cuts come in and yields begin to fall these products wont hold much value anymore. Such the link of Ondo Finance blockchain. The big factor here will be how fast and how capable these platforms will be to pivot to other investment tools when the time comes.


Opulous is primarily music industry focused and they do some rather cool stuff with it in the form of NFTs and shares of the song. Think of it as royalties but minus all the middle men that drive royalty programs down to nearly worthless at the moment.

Opulous was founded my Ditto Music which I have to be honest seems like one of the biggest most viable solutions I've seen so far in the blockchain world to really take over the music space.

OVault is a token that takes earnings from the songs as a group and rewards it's holders and artists. The entire place it building out a rather robust infrastructure.

They also recently talked about Opulous AI which will allow you to search any artist and get AI driven results as to how that person or group of people music is predicted to do in the future. It could make for some interesting investing and even marketing strats in the future.

Real Estate

Real estate is a big one mainly because in the USA and other large cap countries real estate makes up some of the biggest revenue streams. One blockchain that's attempted to do all this web the traditional world and incorporate it on to the blockchain is called Propy which is said to be able to integrate well with titles, taxes and so forth that often leads to a complicated mess in the current real estate sectors.

If propy can do a smooth transition into this it could stand to be one of the central blockchains and tokens to really be able to tap into this massive market like never before.

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