Boosting The LEO Economy and Community

I've been with InLeo since it was created a few years back. To me it was one of the very few tokens on Hive that I felt might actully go somewhere and hold a real value.

There's been ups and downs a long the way for sure but I'm still here every day posting, interacting, threading and stacking my $LEO

Today I want to go over how you and I can help boost the economy and the community here on Leo. The options are actully shorter and that's actully a good thing at least for the size of this token at the moment.

To me this isn't the time for new things and continued expansive growth. It's to focus down on all the great features it does have and make them 100x better and every one of us can contribute to that.

  • This article is for entertainment purposes only and is not financial advice. Do your own research and understand the risks before investing.

Threads and Articles

The backbone of the hive blockchain which is the blockchain Leo runs on is mainly articles and articles still play a very heavy part in building traffic, quality information and cool reads from humans that you wont find at other places.

It's what makes hive so unique and Leo as well. I have yet to find another platform that compares in terms of rewards and ease of use in terms of earning, building and connecting with others.

By writing long form articles that are of quality information you're most likely going to get a few of your articles to rank in search which will continue to drive new traffic to the platform. You can also promote your works on socials and other platforms to further drive traffic and show others what is possible with some work.

The best thing you can do is interact and vote for new people you bring on as a way to get them noticed because it's no simple task that's for sure.

Threads are also a great way to connect and interact with people. In fact I would tell everyone now to start using threads first on to build connections first, interact and then start writing some long form articles after. Building this base line I believe is critical to success here on hive/leo.


One of the biggest issues with all of crypto has been liquidity lately. Hive and Leo are no exception to this list but you can help provide some. One of the easiest ways of doing so is heading over on to BeeSwaps Swap.Hive:Leo Pool and adding in what you can.

This will earn you fees that go into your staked pool amount over time as people swap hive or Leo or Leo for Hive.

This provided liquidity helps larger transactions happen and is part of what will funnel into helping to be a major success.

MOAR Liquidity

If you've been looking for a easy way to get Bitcoin with your hive or convert many top level 1 blockchain cryptos into hive or out of hive or leo then is your answer.

With Leodex you can provide liquidity to earn fees but also a lot of the fees generated for any number of swaps on this platform go back to buy leo and Cacao to further expand the liquidity.

As you can see this is actully a huge deal for hive as it now allows people to more freely flow funds in and out of hive through a dex instead of central exchange something that hive and many other tokens have been having a hard time dealing with.


Community is the foundation of everything that helps grow and spread. By building connections here and inviting others to use the platform they will learn of these other features to use as well. Some might simply use while others will thread and others will want to write articles or play games on hive. There's a big ecosystem here to be used.

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