AI's Rapid Advance and Its Play On Cryptocurrency

This has been a topic of a lot of my most recent articles and it continues to get bigger and bigger every time I deep dive into it. I covered this in pervious articles a such as: The Advancement of AI Speed Is Key and also AI Cryptocurrency Projects

Well since then just a few weeks ago we have been seeing even more rapid advancements so I want to take this article to go over what's been happening and what we might see next.

What's Unclear

What's unclear at the moment is just how fast AI will evolve and when it hits a certain point how and what will it interact with. Many speculate that $BTC will be the crypto of choice for AI out of all of them. An AI simply geared to collecting as much BTC as possible and continue to grow the pile is a very real case that many are after.

But there's other underlying factors of which many feel blockchain and crypto will be the go to platform in which AI will be ran on instead of more traditional methods.

We also have no idea when AI might enter our every day lives but it seems to constantly be getting faster and faster. Some speculate we could see it happen in the next 5 years while others feel we will hit another road block that will have to overcome and push us at 10 years or longer until we see it happen.

Open AIs Humanoid

This youtube video shows us just how fast and far

This show us the power of AGI and how openAI new robot takes information and processes it via some type of neural network instead of preprogramming it what to do. It's able to figure things out based on questions and information on it's own.

The Future Plans

Right now Nvidia chips are what everyone is after and it clearly shows in it's stock price over the last year. This has caused a run on Nvidia chips again making it expensive or longer wait times for newer chips for people to get their hands on. It also means there's most likely a lot of capability right now out there that people own tons of these GPUs and they simply are not being used.

This is starting to spark what is known as resource sharing or the ability to send tasks on to a network and then allow those with the processing power to run the calculations and send the data back.

I think the first time I ever really saw this in action was with gridcoin. If gridcoin got more behind the AI systems I have a feeling it would just blow up in terms of value. Sadly it seems like that project might be too far gone now and maybe not able to recover.

What this does however is starts to decentralize AI tech out of the hands of large tech and instead into the hands of the many. Now that could be a great thing or not. There's always pros and cons to everything and bad actors.

Decentralized Computing

It feels like this is an area that's going to have a good possibility of expanding. One of them is Grass which is a decentralized bandwidth marketplace.

Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are actully pretty limited in what they can do. The thought is to expand these contracts to be able to do more with AI. This so far would have to be done with EVM blockchains focused with zkML to reduce fees and keep things operating efficiently. The real issue with blockchain right now is it's still slow and very limited. While it has and is getting better it can barely keep up with human access let alone AI processing.

Fetch AI

I still like Fetch AI mainly because of it's focus on creating what is known as AI Agents or ai bots that go out and do tasks for you. This could greatly replace humans and allow for AI to find the best and fastest method to getting you the data you need and doing the processes you need.

This mainly goes into workforce and people now buying up AI agents increases the price and value of the cryptocurrency tokens and blockchain in general.

What are you thoughts on ai and crypto?

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