Time spent

When it comes to family reunions, I give it to my maternal side of the family.

Those people sure know how to party. For my paternal side, it's all work and little fun. Although, us cousins at my paternal side do organize an end of year get together.

While the guys sponsor the drinks, us ladies sponsor the food. By the time we are done attending to the last sets of customers and we get fully booked for the night, we all set a long table and chair at the event hall to feast.

It's usually a fun and merry time where we talk about our goals and achievements for the year. We talk about our setbacks, challenges and then any of us with experience will render one or two advice or guidance.

With my paternal family, us cousins only get a break from work to have fun once or twice a year, which is usually Christmas night or New year eve or both, depending on how financially buoyant we are.

Those were great times and one of the best I have ever had with family bonding time. Unfortunately, adulthood happened as we either grew into our own family, left the family business to pursue a career or just got busy generally with life.

I'm also guilty of causing a rift with our family reunions, so much so that last year, my maternal aunts would always complain bitterly to my mom that I don't come around anymore. The thing is, I relocated to another state, started a very demanding job that meant I got to work 6 days a week with no specific working hours. Sometimes, I get to close late too.

The last thing on my mind then was family. Every time my mom would inform me about her sisters complaining bitterly about not having my presence anymore, I brushed it aside because at the time, I felt I needed to build my life, more work and no fun.

Eventually, I learned how important family is and how therapeutic family unions are. While I no longer get to have reunions with my paternal cousins, relocating back home, my maternal aunts kept the fire of love and reunion burning. When it comes to family reunion, I give it to my maternal side of the family.

Those people sure knows how to party. For my paternal side, it's all work and little fun. Although, us cousins at my paternal side do organise a end of year get together.

While the guys sponsor the drinks, us ladies sponsor the food and by the time we attend to the last sets of customers and we get fully booked for the night, we all set a long table and chair at the event hall to feast.

It's usually a fun and merry time where we talk about our goals and achievements for the year, we talk about our set backs, challenges and then any of us with experience will render one or two advice or guidance.

With my paternal family, us cousins only get a break from work to have fun once or twice a year which is usually Christmas night or New year eve or both depending on how financially buoyant we are.

Those were great times and one of the best I have ever had with family bonding time. Unfortunately, adulthood happened as we either grew into our own family, left the family business to pursue a career or just got busy generally with life.

I also I'm guilty of causing a rift with our family reunions, so much so that, last year my maternal aunts would always complain bitterly about how I don't come around anymore. The thing is, I relocated to another state, started a very demanding job that meant i get to work 6 days a week with no specific working hours. Sometimes i get to close late...

The last thing on my mind then was family, every time my mom would tell me how her sisters complain about not having my presence anymore I brush it aside cause at the time, I felt I needed to build my life, more work and no fun.

Eventually, I learned how important family is and how therapeutic family unions are. While I no longer get to have reunions with my paternal cousins, relocating back home, my maternal aunts kept the fire of love and reunion burning.

It was my daughter's birthday on August 22nd and unknowingly to us, she had called one of my maternal aunt, the one she likes and told her about her birthday. Later in the day, that my aunt by the name Julie, called my mommy to inquire if the information she had gotten from my daughter was accurate and my mom confirmed it.

Before now, I have never really had the time to celebrate my daughter's birthday on the exact day. It's usually weeks or a month after so it was quite difficult for my relatives to keep track of the birthday.

Aunt Julie promised to throw my daughter a party, but I never really thought of it seriously. Knowing fully well that my aunts will never pass on an opportunity to throw a party, I just didn't take it to heart much.

Fast forward to the holidays, they requested for my daughter to come over. This use to be a family ritual that started with me. Every holidays while I was little, my Aunt Julie will always come pick me up, I'm usually her travel buddy to the family reunions of my maternal extended family.

I would tag along aunt Julie and two other of my aunts, Vera and Grace. We would travel to see different relatives, each throwing a mini celebration to welcome us. So when she asked for my daughter to come spend the holidays, I quickly remembered those times and I miss them too.

A week after my daughter left, my aunt called inviting us for my daughter's birthday party.

My aunts really out did themselves with the party because it was a blast. We danced, we ate and we merried.

All images are mine and should not be lifted without my concent.

Above is my response to the inleo prompt day 13, you can participate here

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