Rising Star Re-design! Calling all creatives!

Can you draw? Can you use Photoshop? or even Paint? And do you want 25 million starbits? 🤑🤑🤑


Rising Star is looking to overhaul its User Interface and overall player aesthetic experience, so we're putting it to you as a creative community to come up with some designs of how you'd like to see Rising Star look going forward. More brains, more ideas right?

Now, let's make this a little more interesting shall we? Call it an incentive, call it a prize, call it what you like, I call it 25 million Starbits (value at the time of writing: 225 Hive), to whichever design we decide to go with. On top of that the winning designer will get a special Rising Star NFT celebrating their contribution to the platform, these NFTs will be some of the most sought after in the game as they will only be issued to competition winners.

Now we have no way to gauge what the response to this post will be, we might get 2 submissions we might get 100, we might get 1000's or we might get none. So it's probably worth clarifying some points here.

This competition is intended, firstly, to reward the community for sticking with us through this seemingly endless crypto winter, and as a symbol of a new dawn approaching as the crypto market appears to be preparing for its next bull run. But also to help with onboarding new players and musicians moving into this crypto spring, so with that aim here's a few points on what were looking for.


  • I've had personal friends, both musicians and gamers look at the platform after I've hyped up the mechanics and you can almost see the interest drain out of them when they see it for the first time. Only one of the people I've showed it to, a part time gamer, started actually playing and they quit after a few missions. I'm sure many have experienced the same while trying to spread the word to family and friends. Its worth bearing this in mind when submitting a design as thats the goal we're working towards here.

  • It needs to be all of the things you would expect, eye catching but clean, simple and fun for new buskers, but also equal parts sophisticated for longer term players, and refined for any potential musicians or investors that may take a look at the project.

  • As far as parameters you can go as wild as you want, you can move stuff and make any aesthetic changes, but you cant create or remove any functions. Everything that currently exists must have its place. Although if you want to include a list of suggestions of new functions to go with your design they will be taken into consideration but not guaranteed if your design wins.

  • As nice as it would be if we do get some pixel perfect designs we will consider all applications with equal merit, we have imaginations, so you dont need to be a photoshop genius to submit your idea, functionality and aesthetics are both important, but ill take rough sketches on the back of cereal packet that make perfect sense over something that looks beautiful but is incomprehensible. If its enough for us to be able to get a decent understanding of whats in your head, thats enough to make an idea worth submitting.

  • Because we have no idea if we what the participation will be like, I have to stipulate that we aren't guaranteed to pick a winner, if we only get 1 submission we wont just go with that because its the only one. But I'm hoping the prizes are substantial enough that we get some serious submissions to then pick from. The idea is for us as a team to consider all entries and pick a favourite each, then those favourites will be put to a vote among the community. If there are enough entries to actually do this, all qualifying entries (so the ones we choose to put to community vote, which will max out at 5) get 5 million Starbits each, the winning design will get a further 20 million Starbits and a unique NFT for competition winners. This NFT will be created based on the success of this competition, for the purposes of rewarding competition winners if we do things like this again in the future.

  • There would also be a prize, or more like a finders fee I guess, for anyone who wins the competition from outside the Hive network. So share this with your creative friends who might want to win a bit of cash. If they win you get 20 million Starbits, and they get 25, which you can either sell for them and give them the cash, or the preferable option, get them on the hive network and playing #risingstargame ! We have plenty of account creation tokens to offer!

  • This competition is open ended and will remain open until we either get enough designs to be able to put to a vote, or if it ends up taking to long and we get a submission we all agree on. The prize will also remain the same throughout, 25 million Starbits, regardless of price fluctuations, whether it goes up or down. But just saying, its been moving up since November, no financial advice lol. And every month I will increase the prize by 5 million SB until we find a design we're happy with.

  • Submissions are to be made on the comment thread on this post or to me on Discord (link below) and you can submit as many different designs as you like, no limit. And you can submit them in any format you like, video, images with a legend, drawings with explanations, hell I'll even take it in as a watercolour. Like I say the more submissions the better, and as long as we can visualise what youre trying to put across, any format is fine.

I had a chat with the man himself about the vision he had for how RS would look when he started this project, and he said he's always sort of tried to follow a similar theme to Guitar Hero.


So while you dont have to follow this in the slightest, Jux is going to be one of the judges and its his baby, if you wanna win, that's the man to please right there!

Just as a side note, he also mentioned if you need any of the imagery already in use, like logos, cards, etc. for your design, they can be supplied no problem.

That about sums it up I think, if you have any questions feel free to contact me directly on Discord, or leave a comment below! Happy designing! 🎨


My Discord - https://discord.gg/dhFPFdvn4m

Rising Star Discord - https://discord.gg/ccP6tsBqFD

Rising Star Game - https://www.risingstargame.com?referrer=bigjammin

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