Diversity and tolerance are connected! How?


When you hear the word diversity and tolerance you just remember the society we living in, because diversity has to do with religious diversity, cultural diversity, ethnic diversity and gender diversity, and also people with physical abilities with different backgrounds on different ideas and we have to work together in same workplace and do other things together.

That is where tolerance comes in we have to be open-minded and accept people for who they are no matter they are qualities or background so we can say that diversity and tolerance is a cornerstone to our modern day society, before our modern society intolerance was just what people exhibited and this prevented economic growth and increase the rate of slavery and the fight of gender equality.

Let's discuss diversity and tolerance in a separate way and also see more on how they are connected.


Diversity means bringing together different types of ideas and knowledge and it helps to enhance creativity and innovations, organizations that accept different types of people from different physical abilities and tribes are always vibrant and resilient because they have broader range of experiences, viewpoints and also opportunity to build, which helps to solve problem and make wise decision diversity also enhances mutual understanding and respect.

Let's bring it home.
A company that has team leaders from different tribes will always have different tips and ideas to work with because there are some tribes who are naturally intelligent while some are naturally skilled with different gift so this help the company to move smoothly and organized only if there is tolerance.

Diversity sets in some challenges.

When there are different tribes or types of people with different ability discrimination sets in and prejudice as well as stereotype causes social tension and that is why tolerance is needed.

Some people allow the way they view a particular set of people to affect how they judge what such people can offer in a company or in the society and they keep on making false asumptions of such people.
This has affected some recruiting teams as they will not recruit some set of people just because of the mindset they already have about such tribe or ethnic group.

Communication becomes a challenge in some diverse place and this have the potential of reducing economic growth of a company or society as the individual culture and tribe issues to lack of communication and collaboration.

Some people has what is called fear of the unknown where they often think that a particular state of people from a particular tribe can overpower them and take over their position in the society that is why we get to see so many societies today they do not allow a certain tribes to get a certain position in their company or in the government because of pass history of how people from such tribe took over a well-known position.
But in all tolerance can help to put some challenges in place.


Diversity copes with tolerance because tolerance helps to everyone to respect and recognize the right of every individual around us, tolerance is also important if any diverse society wants to be peaceful and free from discrimination and prejudice, tolerance improves collaboration which helps to build a more structured society and community.

How to promote tolerance.

Tolerance means to be promoted in our society and our government and educational system has a larger in promoting tolerance.
The government need to invest in diversity by supporting different types of people from different ethnic groups cultural and religious background they also need to encourage people of the nation to respect everyone when it comes to belief.

Schools also need to teach the children from the early stage what collaboration and corporation is all about and how children should respect the differences of individual and why they should not discriminate this will help to fight intolerance and build up the people because criticism has its way of bringing down people making them lose interest and what they do.

Individuals in the society also has a pivotal rule to play when it comes to promoting tolerance by not picking on a certain tribe and talking down on them and also by recruiting all types of people then we will be promoting tolerance.
Individuals you also be available to help everyone not just from particular culture and when an intolerent individual is detected the person should be called out and corrected as soon as possible.


If there is no diverse environment there's absolutely no need for tolerance and if there is no tolerance a diverse environment will not be productive so tolerance and diversity works hand by hand.
A diverse society can only celebrate success when there is high level of tolerance without tolerance there will be so many social divisions in a diverse environment which will lead to lack of productivity or efficiency

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