Multiple ways AI is used in web3 system

What is AI artificial intelligence?

As we all know there is a machine or a system that can or has the ability to do any tasks that a human should do which can include solving some arithmetic problems settling some issues that comes off in stock trading and also making decisions for a company or an organisation.

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Ai can cover different sections of techniques and technology it covers deep learning it helps to process language naturally it helps to make better prediction or decision in algorithm, when it comes to robotic AI can be used to create machines that are very intelligent that has the ability to do any physical and assignment even in the healthcare system.

What is web3?

Web3 is improved version web2 that focuses on giving people total control over what belongs to them during transaction they need an intermediary the only work with their digital assets and have full security unlike web2 social media.

what is the connection between Ai and web3.

There are multiple ways in which AI is used in web3 let's take a look at them

Smart contract and oracle.

AI plays a vital role in both addition and verification of smart contract code which helps to reduce insecurity, AI also have smart contracts to generate code that will make creating contract easier for non-technical users it also helps increase information of legal processing by using natural language to process translation of legal contract.

When it comes to smart contract execution it helps to reduce cost of transaction it helps to reduce execution time by quickly identifying any area that needs optimisation, AI protect smart contract from contract failure by quickly detecting any unexpected error that may cause failure.
When it comes to Oracle AI also plays another significant role by assisting the Oracle to make good decision or future data it also helps ensure that all information that are to be sent to smart contracts are accurate and reliable, AI uses application like DEFI to achieve this.

AI searches out any security threats in the Oracle and immediately sent an alert message on time to avoid harm, with AI smart contract and oracle can assess the potential risk of a particular decision before hand, we can say that AI is like a future eye to smart contracts and Oracle.

AI enhances cross-chain communication with the help of natural language processor.
With the use of AI security in smart contract and Oracle is show because AI monitors every activity and quickly blows alarm when something fishy is found, with AI smart contract and Oracle good2go.

Let's also see another where is used in web3.

AI in decentralized finance (Defi)

Just like in smart contract AI also have a lot to do in Defi starting from risk management too many other things.
AI have access people's transaction history before granting them access to any loan, the lenders can also have access to rules before loaning money from any organization or company.

AI helps in trading with trading bots that can quickly respond to market fluctuation, get a good trading position and also enhanced trading efficiency, AI what helps to amend or adjust liquidity provision making sure that all except is utilized in an effective way, when it comes to yield farming and stacking AI can quickly fetch house the best yield farming opportunities and also identify the best way to stake assets it also get the exact market condition and its reward.
Any suspicious art in decentralized finance AI will quickly detect it and this self to reduce or prevent fraudulent act, it also enhances security of financial services.
Portfolio management needs Ai because it will help users to increase their assets and reduce losses and also manage risk also in decentralized autonomous organisations AI can assist them in making good proposal decisions and also recommend good proposal for uses.

AI in NFTS marketplace.

In NFT marketplace why does a whole lot hey I have to avoid selling counterfeit or stolen NFT by verifying the authenticity of the NFT, which includes proper examination of the images the content and the metadata of the NFT.
AI can also provide history of any NFT before purchase, AI helps to remove any harmful content from nft platform enhancing security and also creating a calm and respectful environment.
AI also benefit investors and collectors of nfts in the sense that it helps them to make informed decision with the insight of AI market strength.All data from an NFT can be examined by AI this will help to identify all market patterns and trends.

AI in Decentralized autonomous organization (DAO's)

AI helps decentralized autonomous organisation in making good decisions and also in processing governance when decentralized organisation submit proposals AI algorithms helps to examine the proposal helping the members to come in conclusion of a good decision, it also helps in voting prediction by analysing voting pattern analysing members preference it also has the power to detect quality content in decentralized autonomous organisations and create them this will help her avoid spamming or any fraudulent art.

AI can adjust member store scores and calculate membership voting power based on their engagement in the platform, when there's any disagreement AI will help to fetch out what the conflict is all about and also suggest for an alternative solution.

AI in identity verification.

This is another area where a guy does a marvelous work with AI facial recognition voice recognition and fingerprint recognition can be easily verified with just the use of unique biometric characteristics, also AI can examine users performance as to how fast they are in typing how good they are in using mouse then this will help them to create a perfect profile for each user.
When it comes to documentation AI has the ability to give a perfect and accurate documentation even when a person presents a document of a dead person in order to scam an organization AI has the ability to detect if that person is still alive or not.


Yes AI has a valid connection with web3 and with AI all web3 applications will be able to carry out his duty properly providing a secured decentralized and transparent organisation.

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