Battle challenge Theme: Pelacor Arbalest


Another week past by and we can make another battle report. This week it is the Pelacor Arbalest. For my life splinter this monster is very often in my setup. The double strike is very useful. One of the down sides of this monster it has low health.


Rarity: RARE
Element: LIFE
Attack: RANGED
Abilities: Double Strike



Mine is a level 4 and there it has some extra health and speed. Which is very important for the Pelacor Arbalest. Only 2 health on the first level makes it very vulnerable. I can upgrade it now to level 5, then it get flying this might be interesting.



Normally my pick order would have been water over life and death. Life over death.
Water mainly because of the speed and shield. Now with the Aim True Life ranged cannot miss. So this is beneficial for the Pelacor Arbalest.


Aim True
Melee and Ranged attacks always hit their target. So speed determine who gets to go first not the miss chance anymore for ranged and melee

The Lineup


Not my favorite summoner but i use him more often now. there are some nice counters against some thorns plays with all the range monsters being buffed. I like to put him up against death teams

Monsters Lineup


Shieldbearer (lvl 1):

Let my opponent focus fire on the shieldbearer in combination with the venari crystalsmith it should stay alive for a while

Gargoya Scrapper (lvl 3 GF):
Meat shield to protect my healer. at least for an extra round

Soul Fiend (lvl 1):
Same here, meat shield to protect my healer. at least for an extra round

Venari Crystalsmith (lvl 4):
Important in this setup to heal my main tank so the Pelacor Arbalest can do his damage.

Pelacor Arbalest (lvl 4):
Star of this week. I love the double strike that is the reason why it is often in my life team.

The Battle


Link to the battle:
Link to battle



Start :

Pretty similar setup no healer, but shield and reach monster also a nice setup. i think I'm in favor because of the healer and meat shield.

Round 1:

Disadvantage, my healer goes first before any damage is dealt to my shieldbearer. If it get killed to quickly it is over. My meat shield will be crushed by my opponents Pelacor Arbalest.
My healer need to get a heal in before it is killed.

Round 2:

Good round my healer could at least did one healing on my shieldbearer. This is crucial point in the game and here it is decided. Even if my opponent gets its turn first it will not have enough damage to get close to my Pelacor Arbalest.

Round 3:

I go first did not pay attention to the speed. This way it is even quicker over.
Nice battle.



I Often use this strategy when i play the life team.
Also often use the with low mana matches.
Or where you think you need some opportunity monster.

Some more battles with similar play style, not all are winners 😁:
click on the image to re-watch the battles



That's all for this week hope you enjoyed reading this battle report. See you all on the battle field

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