Plant Stand from Fallen Tree Remnants, Simple Decoration. || Utilizing a Small Yard.😊🌱 #GardenJournal

Warm greetings to all plant and garden lovers. I again want to share simple gardening activities in the house's yard.

Previously, I had distributed a plant rack I had made to display in the yard and become a shelf for my plants. @awalmula/make-shelves-for-plants

This plant stand was initially inspired by my mother who asked me for help cleaning the fallen guava tree behind her house. I saw that the trunk was quite large, and I didn't know where to throw it either. So I took the initiative to take advantage of it. I asked someone else to help me cut the tree with a chainsaw with the shapes I had drawn and marked on the tree beforehand. The tree also got 3 large chunks and branches and 1 small one. Then the pieces for the stand I asked the cutter to cut them into small pieces like plates for the plant stand.

Looks like the photo above the result. The person I asked for help was confused as to what I would use this for. LOL

I have installed the plant rack in my yard and I have arranged my plants in such a way. This shelf is made from a fallen guava tree trunk and I finally used it as a plant stand.

One holder in the photo is from two sides.

Now I have a plant stand in the yard. I put various types of fruit tree seeds in pots in this holder. Such as, guava, durian, mango, orange, mangosteen, longan, duku, rambutan, jackfruit, avocado etc.

Under the holder of this plant, I planted flowers as well to decorate it to make it look a little alive.
I've also planted grapes before in the yard and, at the same time, served as a vine for the vines. Like the photo below.

I hope that the vines and other vines that I have planted will grow quite thick and spread into the roof. Because later I have plans to build a greenhouse in this yard. When it's done, I'll share it here as well.

Here's a different version of the shelf. I made this shelf from a different wood. The various kinds of fruit tree seeds that I mentioned earlier I arranged here.
Do the plants I display exist in your place too, or are some only in my country such as durian, duku, and rambutan? I also do not understand this endemic plant.

Oh yeah, another one almost missed. For a small plant stand, I put it in the house. The plants that I display are ornamental flowers and 2 cacti. I put this plant indoors because it is in the rainy season, but occasionally I put it outside.

That's my activity in designing a small yard to make it look like a garden 😂😂 it's nice to be able to share it here. Greetings from me who is a beginner in gardening, thank you for reading, hopefully, we will be given health and can keep gardening until later. See you in the next post. 😊🙋‍♂️

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