Half a million exp at once by planning 5 ultra friends

When you become ultra friends with someone on Pokémon GO you both get 50,000 exp for it. It's the friendship of 3 hearts which takes like a month of playing together daily to get. Of course if you don't play together it'll take longer. This exp is also doubled when you have a lucky egg active at the time you reach ultra friends, so it becomes 100,000 exp then.

Earlier this week I noticed I was getting close to ultra friends with 4 of the team members we usually take the same with every day in the evening. And also with a friend who lives further away. It wasn't the same amount of days with everyone, but it could be planned out to get them all together by only sending gifts and opening them of those who had to get closer. So we planned it and then would be able to reach ultra friends today. Then we could all activate a lucky egg and get double the experience from becoming ultra friends with each other. I told the friend who lives further away about this too so that she could also activate the lucky egg around that time and get the experience when I opened her gift.

This resulted in an immediate increase of 500,000 exp instead of the 250,000 it would give without using a lucky egg. Apart from the 500,000 exp my exp didn't increase much as I didn't really have space to keep Pokémon like Pidgey and Rattata to evolve in my Pokémon list. That didn't matter to me though, as the main reason to use the lucky egg was to double the 250,000 to 500,000. It was a great day!

Exp boost 5 ultra friends lucky egg.png

My friends list increased by 2 as well as I came across a lady and her son who I sometimes come across playing Pokémon GO too. They don't have many friends yet as they don't know many people here yet. So I added them as friends for them to at least both have one extra friend already!

I can advice everyone who is close to becoming ultra friends with some people to plan it out with those people so you can use a lucky egg before becoming ultra friends if you want double exp from it.

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