The Dark Face of AI

Hello StemSocial Community! Welcome to my blog. The advancements in Science and Technology are impacting the whole world both positively as well as negatively. The things that were impossible in the Ancient times are not only possible but also are more better beyond our thinking. The Unparalleled features of technology in facilitating human are quite impressive. Now the speed of work and efficiency in life are much improved in every field. In this regard, I appreciate technology. But I'm frightened about the impacts of Artificial Intelligence, one of the most modern technology in the world. It's involvement in making smart world is replacing human's skills and needs.

AI Effects on Human Jobs

Nowadays there is a continuous fight between Human and AI. In many fields of Industries and factories where there was a big space for Labor and Workers, are replacing them with Robots and Smart Machines. In any country, once common Labors and workers were considered as the backbone but nowadays they are begging for jobs on the roads as AI has replaced them. People needs fast and efficient work that is only be done by AI.

In medical, chemical, mechanical and nuclear Industries, we can see most modern type of robots . Although the impacts of AI are less in Under-developed countries but they are most evident in developed countries. Recently IMF (International Monetary Fund) institute has released its press conference about the deadly impacts of AI on Human jobs by stating,

AI will affect almost 40 percent of jobs around the world, replacing some and complementing others. We need a careful balance of AI and Human Job.

IMF has warned all economists, businesses communities and stock holders about the drastic impacts of AI on Human Jobs. If the world didn't see these impacts then dominance of AI will destroy overall world. It will result into poverty, looting incidents and big war between Human and AI. We need to keep careful balance for all of these things. Otherwise AI involvement in every field of life will make toxic to this world.


Currently there is a big headline that Unemployment has raised to a deadly level in UK. It's main reason is AI. Now, we can observe robots in shopping Malls, Robots in Agriculture and Robots in many industries that are no doubt working more better than human but these robots are generating big gaps for human's needs. The human jobs are very less resulting high unemployment ration. Hence IMF released a press conference detailing all the ideas and suggestions to keep balance for AI. AI in art, AI in content Writing and AI in electronic gadgets is appreciated but it's too much involvement is toxic. I praises this first conference of AI and I'm hopeful our world take notice about all IMF Statements about AI. We need to promote human work, we need to praise human skills and we need to decrease AI interruption in everything. I'm happy that my country is developing one and robotic jobs are not available here but I'm frightened it will happen in the future. I hope and pray, we will keep balance between AI and Human need to save the world and to save the humanity. I hope you have enjoyed my today write-up. Thanks!


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