One impressive Experience, The Unparalleled Talent of My Cousin in Mimicry and Imitation

Hello Hive Learners Community! Welcome to my blog. When a baby is born, it has a fast rate of learning. Any small stimulus has a big effect on it. It learns everything from its environment. Its house is its first sacred institution for learning. In many parts of the world, the very first words a child learns and speaks are Maa or Mama or Mum. The capabilities and sublime power of learning are fast for everyone but not equal. Some kids are very fast learners, some are medians and some are slower. Even a slower kid has the same place of love in the heart of their parents as the others have. Naturally, a naughty kid looked more charming and amazing in the family. It plays the role of a family toy and everyone tries his best to interact with it.



Intelligence of Imitation

There is no doubt about the child's intelligence. When they are a fast learner then they are good intellectuals for everything. They mimic, they imitate and they copy the words, actions, and everything from their surroundings. Mimicry and imitations are one of the most difficult things one can do with full perfection.



Usman is my first-born cousin and now his age is 5 years. He is very naughty hence he is very cute in our family. From his birth, his mimicry was very famous not only in our home but also in our neighborhood.



His father is a big fan of Imran Khan (one of the most Popular Leaders in Pakistan), and he always assigned some short clips to him for performance. Believe me, he not only imitates Imran Khan in vocals but also in dressing. He met IK and also won shifts and many gifts from him. Nowadays as there is political instability, his father put him taboo for performing any IK imitation. But he is very active on electronic media. Two months ago, he was invited to a funny program for imitation and mimicry on the Lahore News Channel. His mimicry was outstanding there. He won the prestigious title for his family and got a reward for a car from Chanel.



Now he is working on a YouTube Channel to speak and reveal his talent in front of the other world. As He performed well hence now he is learning comedy. Maybe shortly, he will be a good comedian and win many titles for Pakistan in this field. He is still five years children, but his imitation intelligence and mimicry are unbelievable. It is the main reason, I always visit their home and learn some funny tips from him. It proved that if children are given a favorable environment for learning then they can learn everything.


Children's innocent behavior and funny attitude attract the whole family. After their birth, they closely interact with everything either it is harmful to them or it is good for them. The Children's brains worked very well and fast. Naughty children looked very cute in the family. Instead of producing fear in their mind, we should reward them for their every good action. We should provide them full freedom so that they will be able to show their hidden talent. My cousin is my family proud. I can't imagine that my five-year-old cousin will show his mimicry performance in the media. Even still I'm unable to talk on Social media and have to practice many things. I appreciate his confidence, Intelligence, and bravery. I learned that I shall provide full freedom to my kids and shall keep Usman as our family role model for children.

This post is my entry for HL Weekly Featured Content Sheer Intelligence. I hope you enjoyed it well. Thanks!

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