The Sheer Number of Sugary Drinks in India


Indian markets have seen a huge demand in Sugary Drinks which we call as Cold Drinks like Coca Cola, Pepsi, Mountain Dew and many more. Truth be told I used to be a huge fan of these drinks and used to constantly consume at least a bottle a day but thanks to some new knowledge I have almost quit drinking Cold Drinks due to the huge amount of Sugar content in each drinks.

But that being said the surge in the demand of these Cold Drinks has been at an All Time High. I can say this because I can see the rise in the Sales of these Companies in their quarterly report so you can definitely say that even though some people in India are indeed going for the healthy route but still there is a major population that indulges heavily on these Cold Drinks that are majorly comprised of Sugar.

I recently happened to watch a friend of mine ordering a Cold Drink named STING and boy was I perplexed when I saw the Drink and how it tasted. I took a Sip out of sheer curiosity but it tasted simply Sugary with a spike of Fizz which is what the people actually get hooked on. On asking why he liked this particular drink the first thing he said was that this looks Cool.

The problem lies in the fact that advertisements for these Cold Drinks or Soda are done this way that the young generation finds it cool to drink them and they rarely even consider what contents are inside these SODAS. But this has definitely been a key factor in the rise of DIABETES in India as we all know how India is called the Diabetes Capital of the World.

I just hope we could leave all these SODAS behind and go for all Natural Fruit Juices.

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