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Hive SQL - Hardfork 26 support

The hardfork 26 (codename Evolution) has been activated a few days ago as all top 20 witnesses are now running the v1.26 code on their nodes (see here).

My API servers have also been upgraded to the new code and are now providing HiveSQL with new data.

Thanks to the mirrornet, I have been able to prepare HiveSQL to fully support the new (virtual) operations now available with this new version.

What's new?

While no new operations were added during this hardfork, this is not the case for virtual operations.

As a reminder, Virtual Operations are operations resulting from the activity on the blockchain but, unlike classic operations, they are not initiated by users.

And since hardfork 26, no less than 7 additional Virtual Operations are now available to better monitor what is happening in the blockchain.

New tables

  • VOCollateralizedConvertImmediateConversion
ownerThe account requesting the conversion
requestidThe request identifier
hbd_outAmount of HBD sent to the account

This virtual operation is triggered after a collateralized_convert operation is issued to convert HIVE to HBD.

Half of the HIVE amount is converted immediately into HBD (using the minimum witnesses price feed for the last 3.5 days) and sent to the owner.

  • VODHFConversions
treasuryThe account of the DHF
hive_amount_inThe amount of HIVE to convert
hbd_amount_outThe amount of HBD generated

When a user transfer HIVE to the DHF account (, the amount is immediately converted to HBD and this virtual operation is generated.

This virtual operation is also generated during block processing every day during daily proposal maintenance.

Note: a portion of the HIVE on the treasury balance is converted to HBD and thus increases the funds available for proposals.

  • VODHFFundings
treasuryThe account of the DHF
additional_fundsThe amount of HIVE to convert

This virtual operation is generated during block processing every proposal maintenance period.

Note: while the DHF receives part of inflation every block, this virtual operation is generated only when there are proposal payouts.

  • VOHardforks
hardfork_idHardfork number

This virtual operation is generated during block processing every time new hardfork is activated.

  • VOLimitOrderCancelleds
sellerThe account who created the order
amount_backThe amount of the cancelled order
additional_funds_symbolHIVE or HBD

This virtual operation is generated every time an existing limit order is canceled. It happens on explicit call (first operation), or in the rare case of filling a limit order (second or third operation) when, after filling most of it, the remaining funds are too small (they would round to zero when sold).

This virtual operation is also generated during block processing for orders that reached their expiration time without being filled.

  • VOPowRewards
workeraccount mining a block
rewardamount received

This virtual operation occurs each time a block is produced. It contains the rewards that are given to witnesses (and previously miners) for their work.

  • VOProducerMisseds
producerName of the witness who missed a block

This virtual operation is generated during block processing when a witness failed to produce his block on time.

  • VOProposalFees
creatorAccount creating a proposal
treasuryThe account of the DHF
proposal_idThe proposal identifier
feeThe amount paid for creating the proposal

This virtual operation is generated every time an account creates a new proposal.

Note: Many of the above mentioned table may currently only contains no records or only records from hardfork 26 and later. It is planned to perform a replay of the blockchain to re-inject data relating to previous events.


HiveSQL documentation has been update and can be viewed at


If you have any questions or remarks, support is provided on the HiveSQL Discord Channel.

Thank you.

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