Online shopping is the main choice in modern times

Hello everyone, how are you? I pray that we are all always given health by the creator, so that we can carry out daily activities well.

Shopping is a need that must be met in everyone's life. And also this activity is one of the most enjoyable activities for both women and men. In this very sophisticated era, there are lots of very easy shopping places
found wherever you are. Even now it is very easy for you to shop, but many people take this opportunity to simplify and speed up their world.


Image By PreisKing

Shopping does require special time that must be set aside from other work. But now you can get rid of this statement by shopping online with your gadget. Online shopping really makes it easier for you, but online shopping also has negative effects that you may find difficult to accept. Among them are the frequent occurrence of fraud, and the goods are damaged during delivery, and the goods do not match what you ordered. Some of these things seem to be a very detrimental effect for you. But many people like to shop online nowadays, the reason is because online shopping speeds up the shopping process without having to visit certain stores.

I personally also often shop online, the reason is because where I live is far from urban areas. I usually choose to shop online if the item I like is not being sold in my area. Or these items are sold cheaper at online stores, so I choose to buy them online. Many of you must know that shopping online, the prices are very different from the prices sold in physical stores. Shopping online is relatively cheaper than selling in physical stores.

Online shopping for me is usually just to fulfill my daily needs such as clothes or other equipment that I need. Now for needs such as groceries, I never buy online. Usually I immediately shop at traditional markets that are close to where I live. I prefer to shop for my food needs physically, because for this I can see directly the ingredients I buy. Now for the food itself, of course we have to look at the appropriate quality of the food, that's why buying food at online stores, in my personal opinion, is not very effective.

Anticipating negative things in online shopping, I want to give you the best way to shop online.

  • First, you must choose an application site that guarantees shopping transactions.

  • Second, take a look and first look at the store you want to buy on your online shopping application site.

  • Third, don't ever be tempted by cheap prices, but you should check the previous buyer's reviews, so that your item is what you want.

  • Fourth, if you buy at a shop, don't forget to save proof of your transaction when making a transaction with the seller. Now, at this stage, before making a transaction, make sure the account number matches the name of the shop.

  • fifth, don't forget to video your goods if your goods have reached your hands, this is because it is very influential, and can be evidence if your goods later are not complete or not what you ordered.

So, friends, here's a little of my experience in the world of shopping, I hope it can be of good use to you. See you again in the next edition of the contest in this beloved community. Regards @arasiko.



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