Are you an awesome Hiver? We have a HiveFest ticket for you!

HiveFest is right around the corner, and it is going to be awesome. I can say this because I've been to three of them in real life, and all I can tell you is...

You don't want to miss this event

Now, don't FOMO yet, you are still in time to book your flights and rooms if you definitely don't want to miss the live interactions, the conferences and the friendships you make for life.

Attending HiveFest is a once in a lifetime experience, and there are many, many Hivers who would do everything in their power to be part of this amazing event, but simply can't attend because of Financial Reasons.

And I get it, there are Hivers who eat, sleep and breather Hive, spend countless hours helping the ecosystem grow, guiding newbies, leading initiatives to promote adoption, making on chain interactions non-stop and much more.

And to think that these Hivers would die to attend HiveFest but it's not in their realm of possibilities is just sad...

But we won't let that happen!

Are you one of these Hivers?

If you are a Hiver that works day by day to make Hive a better ecosystem, then maybe you deserve to attend HiveFest!

4 event tickets with accommodation included

@threespeak will sponsor 4 of these amazing Hivers so they can attend this event and keep being awesome, without having to worry about the ticket or the accommodation, and only having to worry about their plane ticket and visa arrangements.

If you win, all you need to do is arrange your visa if you need to, and get your plane ticket fast before the prices hike!

Are you one of these Hivers?

If you have done anything to make the Hive Ecosystem a better place, make a post about it:

1- Who are you, what communities are you part of, what do you write/play/engage with on Hive? Tell us everything about you

2- What do you do on a daily basis to improve the Hive Ecosystem? Small actions make a difference if done daily, or done by many. Tell us about them!

3- What high impact initiatives that made Hive a better place have you led or engaged with since the last HiveFest? A great way to grow Hive is by leading and being part of high impact initiatives that increase promotion, adoption, onboarding, and retention.

4- Why do you want to go HiveFest? Why do you think you should win one of the tickets?

5- Do you have any plans for the near future or are you cooking something amazing for Hive? Also share this!

In short, tell us how amazing you are and all the awesome things you do your the Hive Ecosystem! You can use the questions above as guide, but you don't have to answer them all, and also you can add more information that you think is relevant and will help the committee's make a fair and just decision.

How to participate


📅 You have until July 27 at 23:59 PST to publish your post

The committee will decide on the winners as soon as possible to give you time to arrange your plane tickets and visa arrangements.

Note: If one of the winners can't make the trip because of visa arrangements or lack of funds for the plane ticket, the committee will choose another winner. The tickets are non-transferrable, so if you win, only you can use the ticket.

This Contest is coordinated by the HiveFest organization committee and sponsored by @threespeak. All the HBD from this post will go to help sponsor another HiveFest ticket giveaway that will go public very soon.

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