My one wish


Hey everyone it's another privilege to discuss another intressting topic thanks @hivelearners for this awesome platform without any time waste let's go straight to our chosen topic.

Hmmm if I was to make one wish that will come through and why?

that wish will be to take the hands of time back.
Well before giving reasons why, I wrote an article couple of months back time as the currency of life


Well before we continue we must acknowledge the fact that time is as important as life that is why we must be aware about every second of our life spent.
This is because we could be either made or mared by our decision.

What is time?
Time can be defined as the most important currencies of life that determine your what.

Time is the only commodity that can never be bought or exchanged with valuables if it could be bought the rich will never die.

So my wish is to take the hand of time back, this is because I have had experience and I have found out better ways to do things the only thing needed is to bring the past to reality. If that happens i will correct so many thing like not getting informed ontime about this platform & I will correct the root of racism.

Well I feel happy after all I still got informed about this platform but I wish I could take the hands of time back I would have gotten started earlier 😌
Maybe I would have grown my Hp like @lazypanda 🙃

Secondly racism
This has caused a lot of barbaric inhuman and degrading treatment against fellow individuals
Why? This is because some people call them self white and made others believe the are blacks.
This on realistic believe have been lingering generation to generation even amoung the so called learned people. Let me take you straight to the dictionary meaning of white and black

This means of a colour of milk fresh snow due to the reflection of all visible rays of light. well does that discrible and human colour in reality? The answer is very simple no.

This is the opposite of white let's check it out black represent evil, darkness, night, e.t.c.
It is a symbol of eternal struggle with day and night, good and bad, right and wrong.

That's the belive our children grow up with that the are blacks or that the are white this is a very wrong up bring.

I have also been a victim of racism that's why my wish is tackle it from the root by correcting slave trade if only i could take the hand of time back.

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