A virus, a bug or the flu ...... nothing has changed for the traveller

Did I really hear right when I was in line waiting to be served at my small local Post Office today?

I was the only person standing on my green circle behind two ladies being served at the counter relieved it was a short wait, there were other jobs on my list to do. It was a lady who grabbed my attention, "I have had two negative test results but something is wrong ........ I don't feel well" as she leant on the counter. She looked flushed and was not wearing a mask.

I felt sorry for her but also felt vulnerable, I could catch this bug so decided to move behind the other lady. I edged over slowly. I didn't want to catch what this lady had, I have a wedding this weekend. It is such a close squeeze this middle section in this place, people literally brush beside you.


Once standing in my new out of the way spot I slipped on my mask. The 'sick' lady leaves as my parcel is weighed,I see her out of the corner of my eye. I wish her a speedy recovery. I pay with my card hand sanitise and walk out feeling thankful that I shifted away from the centre aisle.


Being cautious is sensible. Covid is so contagious. I know that currently 60,000 thousand people are diagnosed with covid in Queensland alone, there are people in ICU and on ventilators and people are still dying each day.

This week I was extra alert because I am off to a wedding on Sunday and the Bride and Groom has requested all guests to undergo a Rapid Antigen Test (RAT)on Saturday as there are elderly guests attending who are immunocompromised. We just have to run with the requirements and do what is requested in this new world, the new now.


Australia like the rest of the world has relaxed all covid restrictions, the message is to open up, we need to get on with life, work and learn to live with covid, it is not going away. It is all doable with having RAT tests before travelling, balancing caution and adventure all rolled into one, maybe not so different than previous years in the carefree days before covid.

My long distance walking on the Camino Portuguese was one where I mingled with a lot of other people. Catching a bug, getting sick has always been on the cards as we always took along all sorts of medication for colds, food poisoning, and so on. But, the thrill of adventure is hard to resist and the memories forever with us, romantic, exciting and unforgettable photos zooming us back in a flash. We always went anyway despite knowing that we could get sick. Oh the fun, the laughter, the sharing, the wine that we shared, oh so easy to transport back with a blink of an eye and a little imagination.

I will never forget the fun market day in Barcelos in Portugal. We had a free day to relax and discover the joys of this town before serious walking resumed for another couple of weeks.


Then there was our discovering madness Madrid, how I loved this beautiful big city. So much to see and in such a short time. Not too much sleep if I recall. The double decker stop, drop, go bus was ideal for us as we explore as much of the city as we could in a few days. This was our relax before the 35 plus hour flight back to Australia we so wanted to take the memories home with us.


Nothing ventured nothing gained as the saying goes. Why is it that we all looked so young and carefree during an adventurous holiday in this amazing historical city in Spain?


So many happy people celebrating, talking and holidaying. I remember the protest marching that was taking place with the young and older people intermingling with us little Aussie tourists and the World Soccer Game. Oh such a mixture of simple tourist delight as we looked on entertained by all.


I know I will travel again, no holding me back but as always a traveller must be sensibly prepared ready for any bug, virus or cold to lay us out. Vaccinate or not is up to you but of course taking whatever you need to help you get well is important. Looking after our own health as well as care and consider our fellow human beings is simply being practical and responsible.

It is the ever so sweet @dswigle's fabulous Market Friday today and I am extra happy that I am participating as it does not always happen sadly. Wonderful lovely life gets in the way and takes me away from my writing. My adult kids come home, friends and sisters come to visit me in this very ideal beach spot, and why not how wonderful to fill my home with love, laughter, chatting, food and cheer are enjoyed. They know there is always an open door of welcome for one and all.

Farewell my Market Friday friends, I have so enjoyed reliving some of my travelling adventures.





I am finishing with a flower only because I am enamoured of flowers, alwaysaflower girl. It is probably one I have shared before as I cannot delete them from my library, too pretty and gorgeous to do so. My only excuse is they bring too much colour and joy into my heart and soul.


Oh lovely @dswigle have I told you how much this tag rocks, I so love flowers.


All the words belong to me, to my colourful mind, they flowed from mind and heart through my fingers, onto the keyboard and magically onto this post. Always a wonder I think when I see everything coming together. I just have to add that the photos were all taken my me too.

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