Farm Animals


Life in the countryside is very different from the city routine, habits and also the way of working has other characteristics, and many people do not exchange this kind of life, in any way, since they are accustomed to living outdoors and without contamination and taking into account plantations and animal husbandry, as this is the main work in these regions.

A few years ago, they predominated in the field it was the subsistence economy, that is, families raised cattle and planted for their own consumption. While there are still families that live this way today it is much more common that work in the field is returned to the commercialization of the products produced on farms and ranches, to other cities or states, as well as outside the country.

Thus, in ranches and farms dominate the creation of animals and it is precisely in them that we are going to talk now. Visiting a farm, we can meet several animals, with very different characteristics, is not it?

Just observe the cow. It's the first animal we think of when we imagine a farm. Belongs to the class of mammals, is a real milk factory, reaching up to three buckets of milk per day. All this milk is used not only to drink, but also to make yoghurts, cheeses and butter, among other products. The cow is a ruminant animal, that is, it has a different digestion process, being the food chewed and swallowed more than once.

Chicken is another animal that can not be missed on the farm. It belongs to the group of birds and its meat and eggs are foods rich in proteins and consumed in many parts of the world as the main source of that nutrient. Some chickens are bred to produce chicks and live in differentiated conditions to favor the birth of chicks. They eat, basically, earthworms, corn grains, vegetables and small insects.

Surprising figure in any farm, the pig is an animal that has a reputation for living on earth, but this is not true! He is very cool and some people have him as a pet. It is also a mammal and when the female gives birth, dozens of hungry piglets are born, but it has no problem, because the "mom" has twelve tits to feed them.

Some farms have ponds with ducks, very elegant birds are swimming or walking on the edge of the lakes. The leg kicks its eggs in a nest, on the ground, near the water and if the leg is not close to the time they come out of the eggs, the yards adopt as "mother" any animal that is nearby. When he goes for a walk with his children, he leaves nothing behind and always hopes that everyone is together to continue.

Horses are always present in the landscape of farms, always helping man in various activities such as, for example, transport, agriculture and even in ancient wars. The mare, which is the female horse, has a gestation period of eleven months and gives birth to only one puppy. These animals sleep about eight hours a day and the most interesting thing is that they prefer to sleep standing up!

The goat is an unfriendly animal. When someone approaches her she must take care, then, she eats what she sees on the front and this can be her bag, toy or even her clothes. The goat, which is the goat is even more aggressive and when the nervous attacks anyone with their horns, they are larger and more accentuated than the goat. Rich in fats, the goat's milk is also consumed for drinking and also in the preparation of cheeses, which have a delicious flavor.

The sheep is a type of animal that lives on farms, in flocks. The sheep are sensitive and intelligent, and responsible for the production of wool, used in cozy winter blouses. In addition to wool, they are also producers of milk. Their gestation period is five months and, in the end, up to three puppies can be born.

These are some animals that we found on the farm and if you still have not had the experience of spending a few days in one, it is worth thinking about the idea and taking advantage of the coexistence with such interesting animals.


The domestication of animals: the first pet was the dog. Researchers believe that they became man's best friends some 30,000 years ago - attracted, initially, by the leftovers of food produced by human groups. Sheep and goats were domesticated almost 20 thousand years after the puppies. The cats only appeared after the emergence of agriculture, when the storage of grains attracted rodents and, consequently, cats, for living with humans.

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