Saturday Savers 2024 Progress Report - Week 10

Yay, it's Saturday again ! I'm having a thoroughly lazy day (badly needed after spending the week with a heavy cold but still having to work), but that doesn't stop me posting my #SaturdaySavers update for the week 😀

Image by Alexa from Pixabay

Here's my table of progress for the week;

How Did The Week Go ?

It was a good week ! Despite feeling under the weather, I've kept my posting rate up and finally got that metric back on target (only just, but it still counts !)

Hivebuzz is Back !

One really good thing happened, which is that Hivebuzz came alive again. Woo-hoo ! It does mean a couple of the social metric numbers will be a little odd this week, simply because the increase is being compared to the data from before the hack, so it's really a 3-week figure.

But I'm so pleased by this, and appreciate all the hard work @arcange put into restoring it. If he's not on the list of witnesses you vote for, go vote for him ! 😁

LEO Premium

Today is the day my free Leo Premium runs out. Looking at the numbers I think it is worth renewing. It gives me a great incentive to keep posting.

Most of the benefit comes in the form of upvotes from automated curation trails (dozens and dozens of 2% upvotes from otherwise inactive users, lol), as well as an increased APY % on LEO delegation to @leo.voter. The overall effect on HP, HBD and LEO earnings suggests that it's worth the 10HBD cost as long as I can make at least 1 (and ideally 2) posts a day and HIVE is over about $0.35.

What it also means is that my HBD total is showing in the spreadsheet as artificially high, as I'm sitting on 10 of the things ready to spend on renewing Premium.....

Delegation and Tribe Tokens

I'm continuing to creep my delegations upwards, and aiming to add the same amount to @eds-vote and @leo.voter because I feel both are equally worthy causes.

For Tribe tokens I also think are worthy but which don't support delegation, my other two favourites right now are BBH and SLOTHBUZZ, both of which are actively supported by creators with a log term vision for them.

Can Anyone Tell Me How Voting In InLeo Works ?

There's a thing which has been totally confusing me, and I hope someone here knows the answer !

If I upvote a post in PeakD or Ecency, my vote value is based on my HP and is multiplied by my Vote Power, reducing over time until I give the upvote button a rest and allow it time to recharge. When I do this, I get curation rewards in HP, and the person upvoted gets HP and HBD. Plus tribe tokens might get awarded, although I'm foggier on whether it's to both parties or just the person being upvoted.

If I upvote a post in InLeo, I can see that my vote power is still reduced by the same amount. But is my vote value now based only on LEO that is staked but not delegated ? And are rewards only in LEO and HBD ?

I guess what I'm worried about is that my LEO vote value is relatively low. I've got more invested in HP than LEO, and most of my LEO is delegated out.

Will this mean that for the same vote power (which is the main constraint, I'm upvote happy !) if I vote in InLeo rather than another front end then both myself and the person I'm upvoting will be missing out on HP rewards ?

Hopefully I've asked that in a way that makes sense !

If you're not familiar with SaturdaySavers, it's a fabulous initiative run by @shanibeer writing as @sally-saver on the @eddie-earner account, where we all support each other in getting to our savings goals.

If you are one of my friends reading this (or just someone who tripped over one of my posts), I really recommend this as a great community that's well worth joining.

I'm normally very disorganised about saving, and the support of the wonderful people in #SaturdaySavers has been invaluable in keeping me focused. I can honestly say that without it, my HP would probably be half what it is now.

So join ! You don't have to wait until the start of the year. The best time to start saving is ten years ago. The second best time is right now !

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