Weekend Freewrite: The Basement


He was anxious for everyone to go to bed. He washed his hands and cleaned his knife.

The stillness of the night proved a little too overwhelming as he placed his knife on the dry cloth and slashed it apart as he was wiping the blade.

It has to be spotless. Just like her.

He let out a grin. His cheeks trembled.

The basement was a no-entry zone for the family, his dad was long gone so as he took over the basement it became his safe refuge. Nobody ever went down since. Nobody knew what was stored down there.

Not even his mother.

His mother was once a beautiful young lady, but since her husband left she started changing into a different person.

She was once so friendly and chatty, and was known to be a generous neighbor. She'd even help with the neighbor's dog when they are away.

Things took a turn after her husband was gone.

She started slacking in self care, her clothes would be stained and she'd look like she hadn't clean herself for days. Some people swear they could smell her.

Neighbors sympathised but stayed away.

She used to love wearing bright colored tops, but these days her clothes were dull and dark. The only striking part of her clothes was her leopard leggings that she's been wearing ever since. I was unsure of her motivation for changing that pattern, but it felt like she was on a grieving spree.

Some of the closer neighbors would show concern from time to time when they see her in a dire state.

"Are you sick? You don't look so well..." these words rang through the conversations each time.

She would smile gently and shake her head, not uttering a word.

Her son now takes care of the welfare of the family. He would finish school and work at the nearby diner in the evening till it closes.

But no matter how late it would be, he made sure to spend some time at the basement.

As he took out his sharpened knife, he'd swerved it in front of the man in chains.

He was a middle aged man soaked in sweat and dried blood. His mouth gagged and his limbs chained. There were slashes all over his body.

"Oh, you're hungry? How about some meat?"

With much precision, he carefully and slowly sliced some skin off of the chained man's arm. The man could be seen biting the cloth that gagged him, his hands clutched in pain, sweat instantly wet his sunken face, yet he did not utter a sound.

Lots of practice paid off at the diner.

"You're gonna pay for this for the rest of your life, you cheater. Mom will never forgive you!" he leaned in and whispered.

Only he knew what happened on that fateful day. His mother was out running errands and as he ended his class early he went back home only to stumble upon a secret affair.

His dad's secret affair. Happening in the basement.

He had never gotten out since.






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