Shadow Photo/SMASh Contest-Round 321 The cross of the sun / La cruz del sol


Estaba rumbo a envontrarme con mi esposa y pensando en los problemas y en mi, algo muy raro que me pase a mi no suelo enfermarme, pero esta vez si me pego muy duro. Asi dios a travez del sol me enseño en las sombras, que debo confiar en el mostrandome una sombra de un cruz

Asi dios me mostro que ssta cerca de mi asi piemse que me a abandonado, por que es cono una parabola en la cual se ve en un sueño donde dios siempre camina a nuestro lado y en los momentos mas dificiles esta un par de huellas es por que alli si confiamos en el dios nostrajo en sus hombros.

Espero que les guste esta sombra esperando sus comentarios y sugerencias.


I was on my way to meet my wife and thinking about the problems and me, something very strange that happens to me. I don't usually get sick, but this time it hit me very hard. So God through the sun taught me in the shadows, that I should trust him by showing me a shadow of a cross

So God showed me that He is close to me, so I think that He has abandoned me, because it is like a parable in which we see in a dream where God always walks by our side and in the most difficult moments there is a pair of footprints, it is because That there we do trust in the god we carried on his shoulders.

I hope you like this shade waiting for your comments and suggestions

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