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Why I do still write daily?


Source: Prompt: Journaling


some of my friends in here, asked me why I write daily, as you might have noticed something on my blog, and from a financial point of view, it does not make any sense.

Well, first, it makes sense, as the more I write, the more views I get, and with the new @inleo, the evergreen rewards, will keep on paying, even after the payout period. It is an incentive to become better at writing, force myself into thinking, and also do some small SEO for the article. Everything compounds in the end, and like Albert Einstein used to say, compounding is the 8th world wonder.

I write daily, because it helps me wind down, it helps my English, as English is not my first or second language. Without offending someone, English is the most basic language from all that I speak. Even with its simplicity, it is the most common language in the world, and somehow a must to use. Well, maybe because it is so easy, everyone tries to speak it. On the other hand, for me, the most beautiful language is Italian, proper spoken Italian. It is a language, that sounds like people sing it when they speak it. There is no other such melodic language in the world. If by chance, you know one more melodic, please let me know, would be eager to hear it.

If I want to go analytical, then German it is. German is also the language I would choose for philosophy to a certain point. German has a great structure, and the words are very descriptive, even if it is not a melodic language. Also, anything that has to do with industry, processes, I would leave it for the German language.

For feelings, I would decide Romanian, as it combines the old Latin, with a lot of other languages. It has a combined Slavic, Hungarian, Turkic, Germanic and French influence. It describes best the feelings, in short words.

But now back to writing. I do it, as it gives structure, it improves my communication and last but not least, it is fun. This is why I write on a daily basis, as there is habit, to relax the mind and create ideas. From this writing, there came some pretty good business ideas, some of which I do follow.

How about you? Why do you write?

This is part of the initiative #aprilinleo, which aims increasing the interaction and the quality of posts, where you should participate. All the details are in here.


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