Laws for this tech revolution


Source: Prompt: AI impact - 2nd of April 2024


we live in a world that is changing at a very fast pace, with a lot of scientific breakthroughs in a lot of fields, from AI, to autonomous cars, from cloning to genetic manipulated fake meat. The changes are coming daily to humanity.

I'm working in some fields, which are affected by this technological revolution, namely the autonomous driving cars and the electrification of vehicles. We deal with a lot of challenges every day. As the company is Japanese, we have a very conservative way of doing things, which for me are very sound, as myself are on the conservative side of the world.
As a good example, one of our customers, is building a whole new architecture for a self-driving car. These cars have a lot of computing power, sensors, and an entire new set of components. We have one part, that even if we are 99.9% sure works, we still lack one test, and for that we don't want to sell it to be used by the customer, till we don't do all scenarios with it. Our competitor, an American company, has a part that it is faulty, but still pushes the part, saying that it will be improved during time. We say, if one failure in a billion cases leads to the death of somebody, we failed. The competition does not care, it is seeing only the dollar sign. For me, this is an ethical topic. Not everything is around money. People need to start delivering use cases, before asking for money. Money follows good products.

From this, the law shall be tougher on people that sell faulty products. I'm all in for life prison for such behaviour. As from this, everything that harms humanity, done knowingly, shall be punished with prison time. A company launches a product that is modified genetically to an extent that is affecting humans in a bad way. Jail or everyone involved.

On AI and other autonomous devices such as cars and robotics, the Isaac Asimov laws shall be mandatory as a constitution. These laws are:

  • A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
  • A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
  • A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

This is how I see it. In this revolution, we need to set some laws, that are beneficial for humanity.

How about you? How do you see it??

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