Did school help you?


Source: Leonardo.ai Prompt: Gauss curve and Fibonacci


a friend of mine, who says going to school is a waste of time, and we shall focus on other stuff, called me a couple of days ago to rant about educational systems. Well, he is employed, does not own a business, neither a family and is a strong believer in conspirational theories. Now he is on the educational system trip, as school is bad, you don't get anything from it. 5 years ago he was on the flat earth ride, and now he came to his senses, after doing some experiments himself, but he is against the educational system as a whole. I taunt him, by saying that he managed to get out of school, without being able to proper read and to basic mathematics. This triggers him the most, as school has failed him.

On another note, the school system is designed for the labour market. Most of the people won't be business holders nor will try to start a business. There is the idiotic communist concept that workers shall own the company, where I say, let all the workers start a company. Would you think that 90% of a car builder will be able to pull it off? I doubt it. So, back to school, it is designed for labour, for the job market.

Also, I would rather pick a doctor with a lot of schooling to the shaman in the village. Same for a dentist, architect or any other profession, where the newest theoretical knowledge is mandatory.

If somebody is asking if I use something that is coming from school, well the answer is definitely yes. Ok, I did study engineering, not gender studies. Speaking of gender studies, if somebody is willing paying for that, they deserve to pay. I did not pay for my studies, got even money being on a study scholarship, which covered the dorm and some of the food. Now coming to what I use, first, mathematics. From basic mathematics on daily common tasks, to advance ones for business. I was in a mathematics-physics class in high-school, and studied robotics in university. So it was focused more on the science-theoretical part of the school spectrum. I do use also the languages that have been thought there. English I've learned in school, and it is the 4th language for me, at least from when I learnt it. French was the second language in school, and recently I've seen that I could survive in France.

Besides all these topics, it helps me daily, especially in business meetings, to know something about history, philosophy, and literature. The knowledge comes from school.

I don't say, that school is perfect, and I would add some more entrepreneurship and networking courses. I had economics, with budgeting and business organisations, even at the basic levels, it helped.

How about you? How was school for you?

This is part of the initiative #aprilinleo, which aims increasing the interaction and the quality of posts, where you should participate. All the details are in here.


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